Смотреть что такое "redia" в других словарях:
Redia — or redia can be: *A synonym for the plant genus Cleidion of the family Euphorbiaceae *A stage in the development of a trematode … Wikipedia
Redia — Re di*a (r? d?*?), n.; pl. L. {Redi[ae]} ( [=e]), E. {Redias} ( ?z). [NL.; of uncertain origin.] (Zo[ o]l.) A kind of larva, or nurse, which is prroduced within the sporocyst of certain trematodes by asexual generation. It in turn produces, in… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
redia — Segunda o tercera etapa larvaria alargada de un trematodo que se desarrolla en un esporocisto y madura a numerosas cercarias. Diccionario Mosby Medicina, Enfermería y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999 … Diccionario médico
redia — [rē′dē ə] n. pl. rediae [rē′dē ē΄] [ModL, after F. Redi, 17th c. It naturalist] a larval stage of many trematodes, usually parasitic in a host snail, produced by a sporocyst and producing daughter rediae or cercariae … English World dictionary
redia — n.; pl. rediae [NL. after Francesco Redi, naturalist] (PLATYHELMINTHES: Trematoda) In Digenea, a larval produced by asexual reproduction within a sporocyst or mother redia … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
redia — noun (plural rediae; also redias) Etymology: New Latin, from Francesco Redi died 1698? Italian naturalist Date: 1877 a larva produced within the sporocyst of many trematodes that produces another generation of rediae or develops into a cercaria • … New Collegiate Dictionary
redia — /ree dee euh/, n., pl. rediae / dee ee /. Zool. a cylindrical larval stage of some trematodes, produced by a sporocyst and giving rise to daughter rediae or to cercariae. [1875 80; < NL, after F. REDI; see A2] * * * … Universalium
redia — noun the larva of some trematodes, some of which become cercariae … Wiktionary
redia — Intramolluscan development stage of a digenetic trematode, following the primary sporocyst stage, which forms after penetration of the snail tissues by the miracidium. Rediae are produced from cells within the sporocyst, are liberated from the… … Medical dictionary
redia — re·dia … English syllables
redia — n.; pl. rediae the third stage larva of a parasitic fluke. Rediae develop within the body of a freshwater snail and undergo a process of asexual reproduction, giving rise to many fourth stage larvae called cercariae. See also: miracidium,… … The new mediacal dictionary