Redcap — Red cap , n. 1. (Zo[ o]l) The European goldfinch. [1913 Webster] 2. A specter having long teeth, popularly supposed to haunt old castles in Scotland. [Scot.] Jamieson. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
redcap — porter at a railroad station, 1914, Amer.Eng., from RED (Cf. red) (1) + CAP (Cf. cap) (n.) … Etymology dictionary
redcap — [red′kap΄] n. [first used (1892) when John Williams, a porter in Grand Central Station, New York City, encircled his cap with a red flannel strip to gain attention ] ☆ 1. a baggage porter, as in a railroad station 2. [Brit. Informal] a military… … English World dictionary
Redcap — A Red Cap or Redcap, also known as a powrie or dunter , is a type of malevolent murderous dwarf, goblin, elf or fairy found in Border Folklore. They inhabit ruined castles found along the border between England and Scotland. Redcaps are said to… … Wikipedia
Redcap — Ein Red Cap oder Redcap (auch Powrie oder Dunter) ist in der britischen Folklore eine Art böswilliger blutrünstiger Kobold, Elf oder auch Fee. Redcaps bewohnen verfallene Schlösser entlang der Grenze zwischen England und Schottland, wo sie… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Redcap — (Red cap) Variations: Powrie In Scotland and Wales there lives a type of vampiric fay called a redcap. Looking like a small and twisted old man with big teeth, long fingers, and skinny arms, it wears boots made of iron with iron spikes on the… … Encyclopedia of vampire mythology
redcap — {n.} A porter at an airport or at a railroad station. * /Mr. Smith works as a redcap at Chicago s O Hare Airport./ … Dictionary of American idioms
redcap — {n.} A porter at an airport or at a railroad station. * /Mr. Smith works as a redcap at Chicago s O Hare Airport./ … Dictionary of American idioms
redcap — noun a) A member of the a unit in the British army. Lord Soulis he sat in Hermitage Castle, b) A porter in a US railway station. And beside him Old Redcap sly; … Wiktionary
redcap — noun A porter at an airport or at a railroad station. Mr. Smith works as a redcap at Chicago s O Hare Airport … Словарь американских идиом
Redcap (disambiguation) — Redcap or red cap may refer to:* Redcap, a goblin in Northumbrian folklore. * Derbyshire Redcap, a chicken breed usually known as the Redcap * European Goldfinch * Military police officer in the British Army (nickname) * Porter (carrier) at a… … Wikipedia