Смотреть что такое "redactional" в других словарях:
redacţional — REDACŢIONÁL, Ă, redacţionali, e, adj. Care aparţine redacţiei, privitor la redacţie sau la activitatea unui redactor. [pr.: ţi o ] – Din fr. rédactionnel. Trimis de IoanSoleriu, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DEX 98 redacţionál adj. m. (sil. ţi o ), pl.… … Dicționar Român
redactional — adjective see redaction … New Collegiate Dictionary
redactional — re·dac·tion·al … English syllables
redactional — adjective see redaction * * * redacˈtional adjective • • • Main Entry: ↑redact … Useful english dictionary
TALMUD, BABYLONIAN — (Heb. תַּלְמוּד בַּבְלִי), a literary work of monumental proportions (5,894 folio pages in the standard printed editions), which draws upon the totality of the spiritual, intellectual, ethical, historical, and legal traditions produced in… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
MISHNAH — (Heb. מִשְׁנָה). The term mishnah is used in a number of different ways (see below), but when used as a proper noun ( the Mishnah ) it designates the collection of rabbinic traditions redacted by Rabbi judah ha nasi (usually called simply Rabbi ) … Encyclopedia of Judaism
tehnoredacţional — TEHNOREDACŢIONÁL, Ă, tehnoredacţionali, e, adj. Care ţine de tehnoredactare, privitor la tehnoredactare. [pr.: ţi o ] – Tehno + redacţional. Trimis de LauraGellner, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DEX 98 tehnoredacţionál adj. m. redacţional Trimis de siveco … Dicționar Român
BARAITA, BARAITOT — (Aram. בָּרַיְתָא, pl. בָּרַיְתוֹת), Aramaic for the Hebrew word ḥiẓonah ( external ) and an abbreviated form of the phrase matnita baraita – external mishnah, i.e., a tannaitic tradition which is not included in the Mishnah of Rabbi judah ha… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Redaction — In the study of literature, redaction can refer to a form of editing, in which multiple source texts are combined together ( redacted ), and are subjected to minor alteration to make it appear that they are a single work. Often this is simply a… … Wikipedia
JOSHUA BEN HANANIAH — (first and second centuries C.E.), tanna, one of the five disciples of johanan b. zakkai s inner circle (Avot 2:8), and the primary teacher of akiva . Joshua (together with eliezer ben hyrcanus ) served as the bridge between the earlier (pre… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Yom Kippur — Day of Atonement redirects here. For other uses, see Day of Atonement (disambiguation). For the war, see Yom Kippur War. Yom Kippur Jews Praying in the Synagogue on Yom Kippur, by Maurycy Gottlieb (1878) … Wikipedia