
сл. крепкое дешевое виски (авиация) (профессионализм) ночной полет (зоология) красноперка (Scardinius) (американизм) (сленг) самогон;
сивуха (американизм) (сленг) острый томатный соус

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "red-eye" в других словарях:

  • Red eye — or red eye or redeye can refer to:Humans and animals*In eye color, an extremely rare coloring of the iris *Red eyeshine *Red eye (medicine), a medical symptom in which the sclera (white part) of someone s eye appears red in colour *Pink… …   Wikipedia

  • red-eye — red eyes (The spelling redeye is also used in meaning 2.) 1) N COUNT A red eye or a red eye flight is a plane journey during the night. [INFORMAL] She was running to catch a red eye to New York... He decided not to take the red eye flight home… …   English dictionary

  • Red Eye — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Red Eye Título Vuelo Nocturno Ficha técnica Dirección Wes Craven Reparto Rachel McAdams Cillian Murphy …   Wikipedia Español

  • red eye — n take the red eye AmE informal to take a journey in a plane that continues all night ▪ I took the red eye to LA …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • red|eye — «REHD Y», noun. 1. any one of various fishes with reddish eyes, such as: a) a cyprinoid fish with a red iris; rudd. b) a blue spotted freshwater sunfish of the eastern United States. c) = rock bass. (Cf. ↑rock bass) 2. = red eyed vireo. (Cf. ↑red …   Useful english dictionary

  • red-eye — /red uy /, n. 1. the condition of having bloodshot eyes, as from eyestrain or lack of sleep. 2. Also, red eye, redeye. Informal. a commercial airline flight between two distant points that departs late at night and arrives early in the morning. 3 …   Universalium

  • red-eye — ˈred eye noun [countable usually singular] informal TRAVEL a night flight …   Financial and business terms

  • red-eye — red′ eye n. 1) inf Informal. a commercial airline flight between two distant points that departs late at night and arrives early in the morning 2) sts sl. cheap whiskey 3) inf inf of or indicating a long distance late night flight: the red eye… …   From formal English to slang

  • red-eye — [ red,aı ] noun 1. ) count INFORMAL a trip on a plane that flies late at night 2. ) uncount the red appearance of people s eyes in some photographs taken with a FLASH 3. ) count or uncount AMERICAN INFORMAL inexpensive WHISKEY …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • red-eye — airplane flight which deprives travelers of sleep, 1968, from the red eyes of sleeplessness; earlier as a noun meaning raw and inferior whiskey (1819, Amer.Eng.) …   Etymology dictionary

  • red-eye — ☆ red eye [red′ī΄ ] adj. [from the bloodshot eyes of someone who has not slept] Slang designating a late night or all night commercial airline flight n. Slang such a flight …   English World dictionary

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