- red cattle
- (сельскохозяйственное) красная порода скота
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Danish Red cattle — Danish Red cattle, also known as Red Danish or Red Dane, are a major dairy cattle breed in northern Europe.[1][2] The breed was developed in … Wikipedia
Swedish Red Cattle — Swedish Red Cattle, also called Swedish Red and White Cattle, (in Swedish: Svensk rödbrokig boskap or Svensk röd och vit boskap) are a dairy cattle breed from Sweden.The animals are mostly red with only a few being red pied.The breed originates… … Wikipedia
Belgian Red Cattle — The cattle breed Belgian Red is a breed from Flanders in Belgium. The breed is in danger of extinction. Characteristics The animals are unicoloured red with potentially a few white spots on head, chest, abdomen and legs.There are two lines in… … Wikipedia
Red Angus — is a red coloured breed of beef cattle selected from the American population of Aberdeen Angus cattle. OriginThe Red Angus breed originated in Scotland. Scottish Aberdeen Angus cattle have always been a mixture of black and red animals. Although… … Wikipedia
Red Sindhi cattle — are the most popular of all Zebu dairy breeds. The breed originated in the Sindh province of Pakistan. They are widely kept for milk production across India, Pakistan, Bangla Desh, Sri Lanka, and other countries. They have been used for… … Wikipedia
Red Gorbatov (cattle) — Red Gorbatov cattle (Russian: Kpacнaя гopбaтoвcкaя, Krasnaya gorbatovskaya ) are a dairy cattle breed from Gorbatov, Russia.OriginsThe breed originated in Nizhegorod province in the 19th century from crossing Tyrolean cattle onto the local… … Wikipedia
Red Tambov (cattle) — Red Tambov cattle (Russian: Kpacнaя тaмбoвcкaя, Krasnaya tambovskaya) are a cattle breed from the Tambov Oblast of Russia.The breed, used for milk and beef production, was formed in the mid 19th century by crossing cattle from the Tyrol and some… … Wikipedia
Red River Station, Texas — Red River Station once existed as a small community south of the Red River at Salt Creek in north western Montague County, Texas, United States. History Native Americans long used the fertile areas near the Red River for farming and hunting. In… … Wikipedia
Red Fulani cattle — are found from Mali across Niger and northern Nigeria to Chad and Cameroon [ [http://www.ansi.okstate.edu/breeds/cattle/Red fulani/index.html Oklahoma State University breed profile] ] . CharacteristicsThey are reddish brown in colour with long… … Wikipedia
Cattle mutilation — (also known as bovine excision[1]) is the apparent killing and mutilation of cattle under unusual or anomalous circumstances. Sheep and horses have allegedly been mutilated under similar circumstances. A hallmark of these incidents is the… … Wikipedia
Cattle station — is an Australian term for a large farm (station, the equivalent of ranch), usually in the outback, whose main activity is the raising of cattle. The owner of a cattle station is called a grazier. The largest cattle station in the world is Anna… … Wikipedia