recursive rule
Смотреть что такое "recursive rule" в других словарях:
recursive — adjective Date: 1934 1. of, relating to, or involving recursion < a recursive function in a computer program > 2. of, relating to, or constituting a procedure that can repeat itself indefinitely < a recursive rule in a grammar > • recursively… … New Collegiate Dictionary
Recursive partitioning — is a statistical method for multivariable analysis.cite book |author=Breiman, Leo |title=Classification and Regression Trees |publisher=Chapman Hall/CRC |location=Boca Raton |year=1984 |pages= |isbn=0 412 04841 8 |oclc= |doi=] . Recursive… … Wikipedia
Recursive set — In computability theory, a set of natural numbers is called recursive, computable or decidable if there is an algorithm which terminates after a finite amount of time and correctly decides whether or not a given number belongs to the set. A more… … Wikipedia
recursive — recursively, adv. recursiveness, n. /ri kerr siv/, adj. 1. pertaining to or using a rule or procedure that can be applied repeatedly. 2. Math., Computers. pertaining to or using the mathematical process of recursion: a recursive function; a… … Universalium
recursive — re•cur•sive [[t]rɪˈkɜr sɪv[/t]] adj. math. ling. pertaining to or using a rule or procedure that can be applied repeatedly • Etymology: 1935–40; < Lrecurs(us), ptp. ofrecurrereto run back (see recur) + ive; cf. Grekursiv(K. Gödel, 1931)… … From formal English to slang
recursive — /rəˈkɜsɪv / (say ruh kersiv) adjective 1. of or relating to recursion. 2. permitting or relating to an operation that may be repeated indefinitely, as a rule in generative grammar …
Primitive recursive arithmetic — Primitive recursive arithmetic, or PRA, is a quantifier free formalization of the natural numbers. It was first proposed by Skolem [Thoralf Skolem (1923) The foundations of elementary arithmetic in Jean van Heijenoort, translator and ed. (1967)… … Wikipedia
Super-recursive algorithm — In computer science and computability theory, super recursive algorithms are algorithms that are more powerful, that is, compute more, than Turing machines. The term was introduced by Mark Burgin, whose book Super recursive algorithms develops… … Wikipedia
Admissible rule — In logic, a rule of inference is admissible in a formal system if the set of theorems of the system is closed under the rule. The concept of an admissible rule was introduced by Paul Lorenzen (1955).DefinitionsThe concept of admissibility, as… … Wikipedia
Divisibility rule — A divisibility rule is a shorthand way of discovering whether a given number is divisible by a fixed divisor without performing the division, usually by examining its digits. Although there are divisibility tests for numbers in any radix, and… … Wikipedia
Parsing expression grammar — A parsing expression grammar, or PEG, is a type of analytic formal grammar that describes a formal language in terms of a set of rules for recognizing strings in the language. A parsing expression grammar essentially represents a recursive… … Wikipedia