recursive process
Смотреть что такое "recursive process" в других словарях:
Recursive recycling — is a technique where a function, in order to accomplish a task, calls itself with some part of the task or output from a previous step. In municipal solid waste and waste reclamation processing it is the process of extracting and converting… … Wikipedia
Recursive Bayesian estimation — is a general probabilistic approach for estimating an unknown probability density function recursively over time using incoming measurements and a mathematical process model. Model The true state x is assumed to be an unobserved Markov process,… … Wikipedia
Recursive definition — A recursive definition or inductive definition is one that defines something in terms of itself (that is, recursively), albeit in a useful way. For it to work, the definition in any given case must be well founded, avoiding an infinite regress.… … Wikipedia
recursive — A procedure that is applied once, and then applied to the result of that application, and so on. A recursive definition (definition by induction) defines the result of some operation for 0, and then the result for any number n + 1 in terms of the … Philosophy dictionary
Process calculus — In computer science, the process calculi (or process algebras) are a diverse family of related approaches to formally modelling concurrent systems. Process calculi provide a tool for the high level description of interactions, communications, and … Wikipedia
recursive — recursively, adv. recursiveness, n. /ri kerr siv/, adj. 1. pertaining to or using a rule or procedure that can be applied repeatedly. 2. Math., Computers. pertaining to or using the mathematical process of recursion: a recursive function; a… … Universalium
recursive — UK [rɪˈkɜː(r)sɪv] / US [rɪˈkɜrsɪv] adjective maths, computing involving a process that continues to be repeated again and again … English dictionary
Writing process — The Writing process is both a key concept in the teaching of writing and an important research concept in the field of composition studies. Research on the writing process (sometimes called the composing process) focuses on how writers draft,… … Wikipedia
Super-recursive algorithm — In computer science and computability theory, super recursive algorithms are algorithms that are more powerful, that is, compute more, than Turing machines. The term was introduced by Mark Burgin, whose book Super recursive algorithms develops… … Wikipedia
Moran process — A Moran process, named after Patrick Moran, is a stochastic process used in biology to describe finite populations. It can be used to model variety increasing processes such as mutation as well as variety reducing effects such as genetic drift… … Wikipedia
Divided differences — In mathematics divided differences is a recursive division process. The method can be used to calculate the coefficients in the interpolation polynomial in the Newton form. Contents 1 Definition 2 Notation 3 Example … Wikipedia