recurring events
Смотреть что такое "recurring events" в других словарях:
Recurring characters in The Legend of Zelda series — This is a list of fictional recurring characters in the video game series The Legend of Zelda .Agahnim Agahnim is a mysterious wizard (priest in the Japanese version) who came to Hyrule Kingdom not long before the beginning of A Link to the Past … Wikipedia
Recurring characters in the Tomb Raider game series — A list of recurring characters that appear through the game series, Tomb Raider. Contents 1 Jacqueline Natla 2 Larson Conway 3 Pierre Dupont 4 Winston Smith … Wikipedia
Recurring character — For the daytime equivalent, see recurring status. A recurring character is a fictional character, usually in a prime time TV series, who is a character, that appears in a few episodes, but also appears from time to time during the series run.cite … Wikipedia
Recurring characters in Holby City — In its history, the popular BBC drama Holby City has had characters who make only limited appearances either for a specific storyline or to bring entertainment to the show.BGrace BeauchampInfobox character colour = #d6d6ff name = Grace Beauchamp… … Wikipedia
Recurring dream — A recurring dream is a dream which is experienced repeatedly over a long period.A person who experiences post traumatic stress disorder may have recurring dreams about the traumatic event.The subjects of recurring dreams vary, and they often… … Wikipedia
Recurring themes in A Series of Unfortunate Events — There are many recurring plot events, characters and themes in A Series of Unfortunate Events … Wikipedia
Recurring characters in the Aubrey–Maturin series — This is a list of recurring characters in the Aubrey–Maturin series of novels by Patrick O Brian. References to page numbers, where they appear, are based upon the W. W. Norton Company printing of the novels.Recurring charactersMain characters… … Wikipedia
Recurring segments on The Colbert Report — In addition to its standard interviews, The Colbert Report features many recurring segments that cover a variety of topics. The following is a list of those segments, both past and present. Alpha Dog of the Week Alpha Dog of the Week is a segment … Wikipedia
Recurring Characters in the Hercule Poirot stories — This page details the other fictional characters created by Agatha Christie in her stories about the Belgian detective, Hercule Poirot.Captain Arthur HastingsHastings first meets Poirot during his years as a private detective in Europe and almost … Wikipedia
Recurring Saturday Night Live characters and sketches (listed by cast member) — Although over 116 comedians have been through the Saturday Night Live machine, only 86 have come out with recurring characters to date.* See also Listed Alphabetically, Listed ChronologicallyAFred Armisen*Billiam from Gays in Space *Billy Smith… … Wikipedia
Recurring in-jokes in Private Eye — The fortnightly British satirical magazine Private Eye has long had a reputation for using euphemistic and irreverent substitute names and titles for persons, groups and organisations and has coined a number of expressions to describe sex, drugs … Wikipedia