rectangular matrix

rectangular matrix
мат. прямоугольная матрица

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "rectangular matrix" в других словарях:

  • rectangular matrix — stačiakampė matrica statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. rectangular matrix vok. rechtwinklige Matrix, f rus. прямоугольная матрица, f pranc. matrice rectangulaire, f …   Fizikos terminų žodynas

  • matrix — ma trix (m[=a] tr[i^]ks), n.; pl. {Matrices} (m[a^]t r[i^]*s[=e]z). [L., fr. mater mother. See {Mother}, and cf. {Matrice}.] [1913 Webster] 1. (Anat.) The womb. [1913 Webster] All that openeth the matrix is mine. Ex. xxxiv. 19. [1913 Webster] 2.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • matrix — ► NOUN (pl. matrices or matrixes) 1) an environment or material in which something develops. 2) a mould in which something is cast or shaped. 3) Mathematics a rectangular array of quantities in rows and columns that is manipulated according to… …   English terms dictionary

  • Matrix (mathematics) — Specific elements of a matrix are often denoted by a variable with two subscripts. For instance, a2,1 represents the element at the second row and first column of a matrix A. In mathematics, a matrix (plural matrices, or less commonly matrixes)… …   Wikipedia

  • matrix — /may triks, ma /, n., pl. matrices /may tri seez , ma /, matrixes. 1. something that constitutes the place or point from which something else originates, takes form, or develops: The Greco Roman world was the matrix for Western civilization. 2.… …   Universalium

  • Matrix equivalence — In linear algebra, two rectangular m by n matrices A and B are called equivalent if for some invertible n by n matrix P and some invertible m by m matrix Q. Equivalent matrices represent the same linear transformation V → W under two… …   Wikipedia

  • Rectangular function — The rectangular function (also known as the rectangle function, rect function, unit pulse, or the normalized boxcar function) is defined as::mathrm{rect}(t) = sqcap(t) = egin{cases}0 mbox{if } |t| > frac{1}{2} [3pt] frac{1}{2} mbox{if } |t| =… …   Wikipedia

  • Matrix multiplication — In mathematics, matrix multiplication is a binary operation that takes a pair of matrices, and produces another matrix. If A is an n by m matrix and B is an m by p matrix, the result AB of their multiplication is an n by p matrix defined only if… …   Wikipedia

  • Matrix unit — In mathematics, a matrix unit is an idealisation of the concept of a matrix, with a focus on the algebraic properties of matrix multiplication. The topic is comparatively obscure within linear algebra, because it entirely ignores the numeric… …   Wikipedia

  • matrix — 1. [NA] The formative portion of a tooth or a nail. 2. The intercellular substance of a tissue. 3. A surrounding substance within which something is contained or embedded, e.g., the fatty tissue in which blood vessel s or …   Medical dictionary

  • matrix — noun (plural matrices or matrixes) Etymology: Latin, female animal used for breeding, parent plant, from matr , mater Date: 1555 1. something within or from which something else originates, develops, or takes form 2. a. a mold from which a relief …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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