Смотреть что такое "recordable" в других словарях:
recordable — (Del lat. recordabĭlis). 1. adj. Que se puede recordar. 2. Digno de recordación … Diccionario de la lengua española
recordable — ► adjetivo 1 Que puede ser recordado: ■ su número de teléfono es fácilmente recordable. ANTÓNIMO irrecordable 2 Que merece ser recordado: ■ sus hazañas son recordables. SINÓNIMO memorable * * * recordable 1 adj. Susceptible de ser recordado. 2 … Enciclopedia Universal
recordable — rə̇ˈkȯ(ə)rdəbəl, rēˈ , ȯ(ə)d adjective : suitable for recording or capable of being recorded recordable music recordable underground explosions recordable aspects of African life Geographical Journal … Useful english dictionary
recordable — [[t]rɪkɔ͟ː(r)dəb(ə)l[/t]] ADJ A recordable CD or DVD is a CD or DVD that you can record onto. Compare rewritable. ...recordable cds … English dictionary
recordable — adj. Recordable is used with these nouns: ↑CD, ↑DVD … Collocations dictionary
recordable — record ► NOUN 1) a piece of evidence or information constituting an account of something that has occurred, been said, etc. 2) the previous conduct or performance of a person or thing. 3) (also criminal record) a list of a person s previous… … English terms dictionary
Recordable offence — A (crime) recordable offence is any offence under United Kingdom law where the police must keep records of convictions and offenders on the Police National Computer.[1] A crime recordable offence should not be confused with a crime reportable… … Wikipedia
recordable compact disk — vienkartinio rašymo kompaktinis diskas statusas T sritis informatika apibrėžtis ↑Kompaktinis diskas, kuriame į tą pačią vietą duomenis galima rašyti tik vieną kartą. Įrašius duomenis galima diską užverti arba palikti neužvertą. Jeigu diskas… … Enciklopedinis kompiuterijos žodynas
recordable — adjective see record I … New Collegiate Dictionary
recordable — adjective a) Able to be used to record something. b) That can be recorded; capturable … Wiktionary
recordable — re|cor|da|ble Mot Pla Adjectiu invariable … Diccionari Català-Català