
ˈri:kənsˈtrʌkt гл.
1) перестраивать
2) восстанавливать (напр., в памяти) The police are trying to reconstruct the crime from all the separate pieces of information. ≈ Полиция пытается восстановить картину преступления по отдельным кускам информации. перестраивать, реконструировать восстанавливать, воссоздавать - to * a ruined abbey восстановить разрушенное аббатство - to * a mammoth from a few bones восстановить скелет мамонта по нескольким костям - to * the facts восстановить (в памяти) факты - to * a crime воссоздать /воспроизвести/ картину преступления (американизм) (историческое) перестраивать, реорганизовывать (систему правления в южных штатах после гражданской войны) (американизм) (историческое) перевоспитывать (южан) (оптика) восстанавливать (изображение) reconstruct воспроизводить ~ воссоздавать ~ восстанавливать (по данным) , воссоздавать ~ восстанавливать ~ восстановить ~ перестраивать, реконструировать ~ перестраивать ~ реконструировать ~ реорганизовывать ~ сооружать заново ~ program from memory вчт. воспроизводить программу по памяти

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "reconstruct" в других словарях:

  • reconstruct — re‧con‧struct [ˌriːkənˈstrʌkt] verb [intransitive, transitive] PROPERTY to build something again or repair it after it has been destroyed or damaged: • attempts to reconstruct the country s war damaged economy * * * reconstruct UK US… …   Financial and business terms

  • reconstruct — I verb duplicate, make over, modernize, rearrange, rebuild, recast, reclaim, recompose, recondition, reconstitute, recreate, redo, reestablish, refashion, reficere, reform, refresh, refurbish, regenerate, rehabilitate, remake, remodel, remold,… …   Law dictionary

  • Reconstruct — Re con*struct ( str?kt ), v. t. To construct again; to rebuild; to remodel; to form again or anew. [1913 Webster] Regiments had been dissolved and reconstructed. Macaulay. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • reconstruct — 1768, to build anew, from RE (Cf. re ) back, again + CONSTRUCT (Cf. construct). Meaning to restore (something) mentally is attested from 1862. Related: Reconstructed; reconstructing …   Etymology dictionary

  • reconstruct — [v] reorganize, build up copy, deduce, doctor*, do up*, fix, fix up, make over, modernize, overhaul, patch, piece together, reassemble, rebuild, recast, recondition, reconstitute, recreate, reestablish, refashion, reform, regenerate, rehabilitate …   New thesaurus

  • reconstruct — ► VERB 1) construct again. 2) form an impression, model, or re enactment of (something) from evidence. DERIVATIVES reconstruction noun reconstructive adjective …   English terms dictionary

  • reconstruct — [rē΄kən strukt′] vt. 1. to construct again; rebuild; make over 2. to build up, from remaining parts or other evidence, a concept or reproduction of (something in its original or complete form) reconstructive adj …   English World dictionary

  • reconstruct — [[t]ri͟ːkənstrʌ̱kt[/t]] reconstructs, reconstructing, reconstructed 1) VERB If you reconstruct something that has been destroyed or badly damaged, you build it and make it work again. [V n] The government must reconstruct the shattered economy …   English dictionary

  • reconstruct — 01. The police are using eyewitness reports of the murder in an attempt to [reconstruct] the events of the night. 02. He had to have [reconstructive] surgery to repair damage done to his nose in the car accident. 03. Parts of the church had to be …   Grammatical examples in English

  • reconstruct — verb ADVERB ▪ completely ▪ partially ▪ carefully, painstakingly ▪ Every aspect of the original has been closely studied and painstakingly reconstructed. ▪ …   Collocations dictionary

  • reconstruct — UK [ˌriːkənˈstrʌkt] / US [ˌrɪkənˈstrʌkt] verb [transitive] Word forms reconstruct : present tense I/you/we/they reconstruct he/she/it reconstructs present participle reconstructing past tense reconstructed past participle reconstructed 1) a) to… …   English dictionary

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