recoil proton
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Magnetic proton recoil neutron spectrometer — is a large high resolution neutron spectrometer installed at JET. Contents 1 History 2 Principle 3 Field of view 4 Uses … Wikipedia
radiation measurement — ▪ technology Introduction technique for detecting the intensity and characteristics of ionizing radiation, such as alpha, beta, and gamma rays or neutrons, for the purpose of measurement. The term ionizing radiation refers to those… … Universalium
Ionizing radiation — consists of highly energetic particles or waves that can detach (ionize) at least one electron from an atom or molecule. Ionizing ability depends on the energy of the impinging individual particles or waves, and not on their number. A large flood … Wikipedia
Scintillator — Scintillation crystal surrounded by various scintillation detector assemblies … Wikipedia
метод протонов отдачи — Метод измерения плотности потока нейтронов, основанный на измерении числа протонов, образовавшихся в результате упругого рассеяния нейтронов на ядрах материала водородосодержащего детектора. [РМГ 78 2005] Тематики измерение ионизирующих излучений … Справочник технического переводчика
radiation — radiational, adj. /ray dee ay sheuhn/, n. 1. Physics. a. the process in which energy is emitted as particles or waves. b. the complete process in which energy is emitted by one body, transmitted through an intervening medium or space, and… … Universalium
radioactivity — /ray dee oh ak tiv i tee/, n. Physics, Chem. the phenomenon, exhibited by and being a property of certain elements, of spontaneously emitting radiation resulting from changes in the nuclei of atoms of the element. Also called activity. [1895… … Universalium
Electron — For other uses, see Electron (disambiguation). Electron Experiments with a Crookes tube first demonstrated the particle nature of electrons. In this illustration, the profile of the cross shaped target is projected against the tube face at right… … Wikipedia
Neutron detection — is the effective detection of neutrons entering a well positioned detector. There are two key aspects to effective neutron detection: hardware and software. Detection hardware refers to the kind of neutron detector used (the most common today is… … Wikipedia
electromagnetic radiation — Physics. radiation consisting of electromagnetic waves, including radio waves, infrared, visible light, ultraviolet, x rays, and gamma rays. [1950 55] * * * Energy propagated through free space or through a material medium in the form of… … Universalium
Electronvolt — meV, keV, MeV, GeV, TeV, PeV, and BeV redirect here. For other uses, see MEV, KEV, GEV, TEV, PEV, and BEV. In physics, the electron volt (symbol eV; also written electronvolt[1][2]) is a unit of energy equal to approximately 1.602×10−19joule… … Wikipedia