reclaim a desert
Смотреть что такое "reclaim a desert" в других словарях:
desert — I n. 1) to reclaim a desert 2) an arid; trackless desert 3) a cultural desert II v. 1) (D; tr.) to desert for (to desert the stage for Hollywood) 2) (D; intr.) to desert from (he deserted from his regiment) 3) (D; intr.) to desert to (to desert… … Combinatory dictionary
Reclaim — Re*claim (r[ e]*kl[=a]m ), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Reclaimed} (r[ e]*kl[=a]md ); p. pr. & vb. n. {Reclaiming}.] [F. r[ e]clamer, L. reclamare, reclamatum, to cry out against; pref. re re + clamare to call or cry aloud. See {Claim}.] 1. To call back … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
reclaim — [ri klām′] vt. [ME reclaimen < OFr réclamer < L reclamare, to cry out against: see RE & CLAIM] 1. to rescue or bring back (a person or people) from error, vice, etc. to ways of living or thinking regarded as right; reform 2. to make… … English World dictionary
reclaim — save, ransom, redeem, deliver, *rescue Analogous words: *renew, restore, renovate: reform, rectify, remedy, *correct, amend Antonyms: abandon Contrasted words: desert, forsake (see ABANDON) … New Dictionary of Synonyms
reclaim — [[t]rɪkle͟ɪm[/t]] reclaims, reclaiming, reclaimed 1) VERB If you reclaim something that you have lost or that has been taken away from you, you succeed in getting it back. [V n] In 1986, they got the right to reclaim South African citizenship...… … English dictionary
reclaim — An act carried out by a seller who has tendered a live cattle delivery certificate that the assigned buyer has retendered. A seller will do this to collect the retender fee. To reclaim, the original seller establishes a long position in the pit… … Financial and business terms
Desert greening — A satellite image of the Sahara; the world s largest hot desert and third largest desert after Antarctica and the Arctic. Desert greening consists of any of a number of methods used to revitalize deserts. So far only arid and semi arid desert are … Wikipedia
reclaim — re|claim [rıˈkleım] v [T] 1.) to get back an amount of money that you have paid = claim back ▪ You may be entitled to reclaim some tax. 2.) to make an area of desert, wet land etc suitable for farming or building ▪ Large areas of land will be… … Dictionary of contemporary English
Desert Land Act — The Desert Land Act was passed by the United States Congress on March 3, 1877 to encourage and promote the economic development of the arid and semiarid public lands of the Western states. Through the Act, individuals may apply for a desert land… … Wikipedia
reclaim — verb (T) 1 to officially ask for something to be given back to you: You may be entitled to reclaim some tax. 2 to make an area of desert, marsh (=wet land), etc suitable for farming or building 3 to obtain useful products from waste material:… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
Thar Desert — The Thar Desert (Hindi: थार मरुस्थल) , also known as the Great Indian Desert, is a large, arid region in the northwestern part of the Indian subcontinent. With an area of more than 200,000 sq. km., [ [… … Wikipedia