reciprocity principle

reciprocity principle
принцип обратимости

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "reciprocity principle" в других словарях:

  • reciprocity principle — noun (physics) One stating that the interchange of radiation source and detector will not change the level of radiation at the latter, whatever the shielding arrangement between them • • • Main Entry: ↑reciprocal …   Useful english dictionary

  • reciprocity principle — abipusiškumo principas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. reciprocity principle vok. Reziprozitätsprinzip, n rus. принцип взаимности, m pranc. principe de réciprocité, m …   Fizikos terminų žodynas

  • reciprocity principle — noun any scientific principle that expresses various reciprocal relationships for the behaviour of a physical system …   Wiktionary

  • Reciprocity — may refer to: Reciprocity (Canadian politics) Reciprocity (photography), the relationship between the intensity of the light and duration of the exposure that result in identical exposure Traffic violations reciprocity where non resident drivers… …   Wikipedia

  • reciprocity rule — noun (photography) The principle that an increase in light intensity should be compensated for by a proportionate decrease in time exposure and vice versa • • • Main Entry: ↑reciprocal …   Useful english dictionary

  • Reciprocity (social and political philosophy) — The social norm of reciprocity is the expectation that people will respond to each other in similar ways responding to gifts and kindnesses from others with similar benevolence of their own, and responding to harmful, hurtful acts from others… …   Wikipedia

  • Reciprocity (international relations) — In international relations and treaties, the principle of reciprocity states that favours, benefits, or penalties that are granted by one state to the citizens or legal entities of another, should be returned in kind. For example, reciprocity has …   Wikipedia

  • Reciprocity —    Efforts were made from time to time by Canada, between the years 1847 and 1854, to secure the free admission of goods between Canada and the United States, but without success until the latter year, when Lord Elgin negotiated a treaty. It came …   The makers of Canada

  • RECIPROCITY —    a term used in economics to describe commercial treaties entered into by two countries, by which it is agreed that, while a strictly protective tariff is maintained as regards other countries, certain articles shall be allowed to pass between… …   The Nuttall Encyclopaedia

  • Ethic of reciprocity — The ethic of reciprocity is a fundamental moral value which refers to the balance in an interactive system such that each party has both rights and duties, and the subordinate norm of complementarity states that one s rights are the other s… …   Wikipedia

  • Artin reciprocity law — The Artin reciprocity law, established by Emil Artin in a series of papers (1924; 1927; 1930), is a general theorem in number theory that forms a central part of the global class field theory.[1] The term reciprocity law refers to a long line of… …   Wikipedia

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