reciprocal coefficient
Смотреть что такое "reciprocal coefficient" в других словарях:
Coefficient of variation — In probability theory and statistics, the coefficient of variation (CV) is a normalized measure of dispersion of a probability distribution. It is also known as unitized risk or the variation coefficient. The absolute value of the CV is sometimes … Wikipedia
Reciprocal Gamma function — In mathematics, the reciprocal Gamma function is the function:f(z) = frac{1}{Gamma(z)},where Gamma(z) denotes the Gamma function. Since the Gamma function is meromorphic and nonzero everywhere in the complex plane, its reciprocal is an entire… … Wikipedia
coefficient — Synonyms and related words: coacting, coactive, coadjutant, coadjuvant, collaborative, collective, collectivist, collectivistic, collusive, combined, commensal, common, communal, communalist, communalistic, communist, communistic, communitarian,… … Moby Thesaurus
reciprocal — Synonyms and related words: algorismic, algorithmic, aliquot, ally, alter ego, alternate, analogon, analogous, analogue, answering, associate, associated, back and forth, beating, brother, cardinal, changeable, circling, close copy, close match,… … Moby Thesaurus
Coefficient of Heat Transmission — (U Value) A value that describes the ability of a material to conduct heat. The number of Btu that flow through 1 square foot of material, in one hour. It is the reciprocal of the R Value (U Value = 1/R Value) … Energy terms
Attenuation coefficient — For attenuation coefficient as it applies to electromagnetic theory and telecommunications see propagation constant. For the mass attenuation coefficient , see the article mass attenuation coefficient. The attenuation coefficient is a quantity… … Wikipedia
Heat transfer coefficient — The heat transfer coefficient, in thermodynamics and in mechanical and chemical engineering, is used in calculating the heat transfer, typically by convection or phase change between a fluid and a solid::Delta Q=h cdot A cdot Delta T cdot Delta… … Wikipedia
Point-biserial correlation coefficient — The point biserial correlation coefficient ( rpb ) is a correlation coefficient used when one variable (e.g. Y ) is dichotomous; Y can either be naturally dichotomous, like gender, or an artificially dichotomized variable. In most situations it… … Wikipedia
Townsend coefficient — The first Townsend coefficient ( α ), also known as first Townsend avalanche coefficient is a term used in an ionization process where there is a possibility of secondary ionization because the primary ionization electrons gain sufficient energy… … Wikipedia
Scattering parameters — or S parameters are properties used in electrical engineering, electronics engineering, and communication systems engineering describing the electrical behavior of linear electrical networks when undergoing various steady state stimuli by small… … Wikipedia
Mathematics of CRC — Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) is based on division in the ring of polynomials over the finite field GF(2) (the integers modulo 2), that is, the set of polynomials where each coefficient is either zero or one, and arithmetic operations wrap around … Wikipedia