- recidivism
- rɪˈsɪdɪvɪzm сущ. рецидивизм рецидивизм (медицина) рецидив, возврат болезни - * in mental patients рецидивы заболевания у душевнобольных recidivism рецидивизм
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Recidivism — (IPA: /ɹɪˈsɪdɪvɪzm̩/. From recidive + ism , from Latin recidīvus recurring , from re back + cadō I fall ) is the act of a person repeating an undesirable behavior after they have either experienced negative consequences of that behavior, or have… … Wikipedia
recidivism — re·cid·i·vism /ri si də ˌvi zəm/ n: relapse into criminal behavior Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. recidivism … Law dictionary
Recidivism — Re*cid i*vism (r[ e]*s[i^]d [i^]*v[i^]z m), n. The state or quality of being recidivous; relapse, specif. (Criminology), a falling back or relapse into prior criminal habits, esp. after conviction and punishment. [Webster 1913 Suppl.] The old… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
recidivism — recidivísm s. n. Trimis de siveco, 10.08.2004. Sursa: Dicţionar ortografic … Dicționar Român
recidivism — (n.) 1882, from RECIDIVIST (Cf. recidivist) + ISM (Cf. ism) … Etymology dictionary
recidivism — [ri sid′ə viz΄əm] n. [< L recidivus < recidere, to fall back < re , back + cadere, to fall (see CASE1) + ISM] habitual or chronic relapse, or tendency to relapse, esp. into crime or antisocial behavior recidivist n., adj. recidivistic… … English World dictionary
recidivism — recidivist, recidivism Any person who is convicted of a crime on more than one occasion; a person who re offends. Recidivism is usually measured in relation to the type of last sentence or last offence, as percentages re offending, or reconvicted … Dictionary of sociology
recidivism — noun a) Committing new offenses after being punished for a crime. The increase in criminal activity was attributed to recidivism. b) Chronic repetition of criminal or other antisocial behavior. See Also: recidivate … Wiktionary
recidivism — The tendency of an individual toward recidivation. [L. recidivus, recurring] * * * re·cid·i·vism ri sid ə .viz əm n a tendency to relapse into a previous condition or mode of behavior <high recidivism rates after cessation of smoking (A. E.… … Medical dictionary
recidivism — noun Recidivism is used before these nouns: ↑rate … Collocations dictionary
recidivism — recidivist ► NOUN ▪ a convicted criminal who reoffends. DERIVATIVES recidivism noun. ORIGIN French récidiviste, from Latin recidere fall back … English terms dictionary