recent trends
Смотреть что такое "recent trends" в других словарях:
Trends in pre-employment screening — A number of companies publish annual research into pre employment screening, applicant fraud and its effect on business. The market Larger companies are more likely to outsource than their smaller counterparts – the average staff size of the… … Wikipedia
Attribution of recent climate change — Further information: Global warming, Climate change, and Climate change denial Attribution of recent climate change is the effort to scientifically ascertain mechanisms responsible for recent changes observed in the Earth s climate … Wikipedia
Google Trends — is a tool from Google Labs that shows the most popularly searched terms from the beginning of 2004 to now.BackgroundGoogle Trends charts how often a particular search term is entered relative the total search volume across various regions of the… … Wikipedia
Market trends — In investing, financial markets are commonly believed to have market trends [ [] , retrieved 30 May 2007.] that can be classified as primary trends, secondary trends (short term), and … Wikipedia
Largest-scale trends in evolution — The history of life on Earth seems to show a clear trend; for example, it seems obvious that there is a trend towards increasing complexity in living organisms. More recent organisms, such as mammals, appear to be much more complex than older… … Wikipedia
Plus récent ancêtre matrilinéaire commun — Ève mitochondriale Pour les articles homonymes, voir Ève (homonymie). Mitochondries observées en microscopie électronique à transmissio … Wikipédia en Français
Most recent common ancestor — Part of a series on Genetic genealogy Concepts Population genetics Haplogroup/ Haplotype Most recent common ancestor Human mitochondrial DNA haplogroups Human Y chromosome DNA haplogroups Genomics Other Y chromosome haplogroups by po … Wikipedia
Population Trends — ▪ 1999 Introduction Demography At midyear 1998, world population stood at 5,926,000,000, according to estimates prepared by the Population Reference Bureau. This total represented an increase of 84 million over the previous year, firmly… … Universalium
Global steel industry trends — The global steel industry has been going through major changes since 1970. China has emerged as a major producer and consumer, as has India to a lesser extent. Consolidation has been rapid in Europe.Material for development and warThe volume of… … Wikipedia
NIOC Recent Discoveries — Iran still has huge potential for new significant gas discoveries: areas like Caspian Sea, North East, Central Kavir and especially areas starting from Aghar and Dalan gas fields in Fars province up to the Strait of Hormuz and Central Persian… … Wikipedia
publishing trends — The most significant trend in the publishing industry in recent years has been its increasing concentration in the hands of international media conglomerates. In the 1980s and 1990s, a series of traditional London publishers have been bought… … Encyclopedia of contemporary British culture