receiver direction
Смотреть что такое "receiver direction" в других словарях:
Direction finding — (DF) refers to the establishment of the direction from which a received signal was transmitted. This can refer to radio or other forms of wireless communication. By combining the direction information from two or more suitably spaced receivers… … Wikipedia
direction finder — direction finding. Radio. a receiver with a loop antenna rotating on a vertical axis, used to ascertain the direction of incoming radio waves. [1910 15] * * * ▪ instrument or radio direction finder radio receiver and antenna system for… … Universalium
Receiver (radio) — This article is about a radio receiver, for other uses see Radio (disambiguation). A radio receiver is an electronic circuit that receives its input from an antenna, uses electronic filters to separate a wanted radio signal from all other signals … Wikipedia
Receiver operating characteristic — In signal detection theory, a receiver operating characteristic (ROC), or simply ROC curve, is a graphical plot of the sensitivity vs. (1 specificity) for a binary classifier system as its discrimination threshold is varied. The ROC can also be… … Wikipedia
receiver — A person appointed by a court for the purpose of preserving property of a debtor pending an action against him, or applying the property in satisfaction of a creditor s claim, whenever there is danger that, in the absence of such an appointment,… … Black's law dictionary
receiver — A person appointed to take custody of property in a receivership. A person appointed by the court to receive and preserve the property of fund in litigation, and receive its rents, issues, and profits, and apply or dispose of them at the… … Ballentine's law dictionary
direction finder — A radio receiver equipped with a directional sensing antenna used to take bearings on a radio transmitter. Specialized radio direction finders are used in aircraft as air navigation aids. Others are ground based, primarily to obtain a “fix” on a… … Aviation dictionary
direction finder — direc′tion find er n. rtv a receiver with a loop antenna rotating on a vertical axis, used to ascertain the direction of incoming radio waves • Etymology: 1910–15 direc′tion find ing, n … From formal English to slang
direction-finder — /dəˈrɛkʃən faɪndə/ (say duh rekshuhn fuynduh) noun a contrivance on a radio receiver usually based on a loop antenna rotating on a vertical axis, which ascertains the direction of incoming radio waves …
direction finder — noun radio; determines the direction of incoming radio waves • Hypernyms: ↑receiver, ↑receiving system • Hyponyms: ↑goniometer, ↑radio compass … Useful english dictionary
direction-finder — direcˈtion finder noun A radio receiver that determines the direction of arrival of incoming waves, used esp in navigation • • • Main Entry: ↑direct … Useful english dictionary