
rɪˈbeljəs прил.
1) а) мятежный;
повстанческий, бунтующий;
восставший Syn : rebel, insurgent б) бунтарский a rebellious speech ≈ бунтарская речь Syn : seditious
2) непослушный;
непокорный Syn : undisciplined, disobedient
3) упорный;
мед.не поддающийся лечению (о болезни) повстанческий;
мятежный - * troops мятежные /взбунтовавшиеся/ войска - * against lawful authority восставший против законной власти бунтарский - * speeches бунтарские речи - * temperament бунтарский нрав непокорный, непослушный;
недисциплинированный - * child ребенок, с которым сладу нет бурный, буйный - * meetings бурные митинги - * locks непокорные кудри - the accused was drunk and * обвиняемый был пьян и оказывал сопротивление упорный;
не поддающийся лечению (о болезни) трудно поддающийся обработке (о руде) rebellious мятежный, повстанческий, бунтующий ~ мятежный;
повстанческий, бунтующий;
бунтарский ~ недисциплинированный;
непослушный ~ упорный;
не поддающийся лечению (о болезни)

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "rebellious" в других словарях:

  • Rebellious — Re*bel lious (r[ e]*b[e^]l y[u^]s), a. Engaged in rebellion; disposed to rebel; of the nature of rebels or of rebellion; resisting government or lawful authority by force. Thy rebellious crew. Proud rebellious arms. Milton. {Re*bel lious*ly}, adv …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • rebellious — [ri bel′yəs] adj. [ME rebellous] 1. resisting authority; engaged in rebellion 2. of or like rebels or rebellion 3. opposing any kind of control; defiant 4. difficult to treat or handle [a rebellious cowlick] rebelliously adv. rebelliousness n …   English World dictionary

  • rebellious — index contumacious, disobedient, disorderly, dissident, fractious, froward, impertinent (insolent) …   Law dictionary

  • rebellious — (adj.) mid 15c., from L. rebellis (see REBEL (Cf. rebel)). Related: Rebelliously; rebelliousness …   Etymology dictionary

  • rebellious — *insubordinate, mutinous, seditious, factious, contumacious Analogous words: recalcitrant, refractory, intractable, *unruly, ungovernable: estranged, alienated, disaffected (see ESTRANGE) Antonyms: acquiescent, resigned: submissive …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • rebellious — [adj] disobedient, unmanageable alienated, anarchistic, attacking, bellicose, contumacious, defiant, difficult, disaffected, disloyal, disobedient, disorderly, dissident, factious, fractious, iconoclastic, incorrigible, individualistic, insurgent …   New thesaurus

  • rebellious — ► ADJECTIVE 1) showing a desire to rebel. 2) not easily handled or kept in place; unmanageable. DERIVATIVES rebelliously adverb rebelliousness noun …   English terms dictionary

  • rebellious — [[t]rɪbe̱liəs[/t]] 1) ADJ GRADED If you think someone behaves in an unacceptable way and does not do what they are told, you can say they are rebellious. ...a rebellious teenager... He grew older and more rebellious. Derived words: rebelliousness …   English dictionary

  • rebellious — re|bel|lious [rıˈbeljəs] adj 1.) deliberately not obeying people in authority or rules of behaviour ▪ rebellious teenagers ▪ He s always had a rebellious streak (=a tendency to rebel) . 2.) fighting against the government of your own country ▪… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • rebellious — adjective 1 deliberately disobeying: rebellious teenagers | rebellious behaviour 2 fighting against the government of your country: rebellious warlords rebelliously adverb rebelliousness noun (U) …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • rebellious — adjective Date: 15th century 1. a. given to or engaged in rebellion < rebellious troops > b. of, relating to, or characteristic of a rebel or rebellion < a rebellious speech > 2. resisting treatment or management ; refractory • rebelliously …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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