- reasonings
- Рассуждения
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Indian philosophy — Any of the numerous philosophical systems developed on the Indian subcontinent, including both orthodox (astika) systems, namely, the Nyaya, Vaisheshika, Samkhya, Yoga, Mimamsa, and Vedanta schools of philosophy, and unorthodox (nastika) systems … Universalium
An Enquiry concerning Human Understanding — is a book by the Scottish empiricist and philosopher David Hume, published in 1748. It was a simplification of an earlier effort, Hume s A Treatise of Human Nature , published anonymously in London in 1739 ndash;1740. Hume was disappointed with… … Wikipedia
Venn diagram — Venn diagrams or set diagrams are diagrams that show all hypothetically possible logical relations between a finite collection of sets (groups of things). Venn diagrams were invented around 1880 by John Venn. They are used in many fields,… … Wikipedia
Svatantrika — In the philosophy of Mahayana Buddhism, specifically in the Madhyamaka view, Svātantrika is a category of Madhyamaka viewpoints attributed primarily to Indian scholar Bhavaviveka. It is used in contrast with another such subcategory, Prāsangika… … Wikipedia
Pragmatic maxim — C. S. Peirce articles General: Charles Sanders Peirce Charles Sanders Peirce bibliography Philosophical: Categories (Peirce) Semiotic elements and classes of signs (Peirce) Pragmatic maxim • Pragmaticism… … Wikipedia
David Hume — (1766) Porträt von Allan Ramsay David Hume [hju:m] (* 26. Apriljul./ 7. Mai 1711greg.[1] in Edinburgh; † 25. August 1776 ebenda) wa … Deutsch Wikipedia
Pragmatische Maxime — Die Pragmatische Maxime ist ein Grundsatz, den Charles S. Peirce formuliert hat, um eine wesentliche Perspektive seiner Philosophie zu beschreiben. Mit der Bezeichnung Maxime lehnte er sich bewusst an Kant an, um den normativen Charakter seiner… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Descartes: metaphysics and the philosophy of mind — John Cottingham THE CARTESIAN PROJECT Descartes is rightly regarded as one of the inaugurators of the modern age, and there is no doubt that his thought profoundly altered the course of Western philosophy. In no area has this influence been more… … History of philosophy
Hume on human understanding — David Hume on human understanding Anne Jaap Jacobson David Hume’s A Treatise of Human Nature1 was published before he was 30 years old. It is often said to be the greatest philosophical work written in English. Bold and ambitious, it is designed… … History of philosophy
Anatomize — A*nat o*mize, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Anatomized}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Anatomizing}.] [Cf. F. anatomiser.] 1. To dissect; to cut in pieces, as an animal vegetable body, for the purpose of displaying or examining the structure and use of the several… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Anatomized — Anatomize A*nat o*mize, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Anatomized}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Anatomizing}.] [Cf. F. anatomiser.] 1. To dissect; to cut in pieces, as an animal vegetable body, for the purpose of displaying or examining the structure and use of the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English