realize an ideal
Смотреть что такое "realize an ideal" в других словарях:
ideal — I adj. ideal for II n. 1) to attain; realize an ideal 2) a lofty, noble ideal; high ideals * * * [aɪ dɪəl] high ideals noble ideal realize an ideal a lofty to attain idealfor … Combinatory dictionary
realize — 1 Realize, actualize, embody, incarnate, materialize, externalize, objectify, hypostatize, reify are the chief words in English meaning to give concrete or objective existence to something that has existed as an abstraction or a conception or a… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
Realize — Re al*ize, v. i. To convert any kind of property into money, especially property representing investments, as shares in stock companies, bonds, etc. [1913 Webster] Wary men took the alarm, and began to realize, a word now first brought into use… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Fractional ideal — In mathematics, in particular commutative algebra, the concept of fractional ideal is introduced in the context of integral domains and is particularly fruitful in the study of Dedekind domains. In some sense, fractional ideals of an integral… … Wikipedia
Christianity — /kris chee an i tee/, n., pl. Christianities. 1. the Christian religion, including the Catholic, Protestant, and Eastern Orthodox churches. 2. Christian beliefs or practices; Christian quality or character: Christianity mixed with pagan elements; … Universalium
japan — japanner, n. /jeuh pan /, n., adj., v., japanned, japanning. n. 1. any of various hard, durable, black varnishes, originally from Japan, for coating wood, metal, or other surfaces. 2. work varnished and figured in the Japanese manner. 3. Japans,… … Universalium
Japan — /jeuh pan /, n. 1. a constitutional monarchy on a chain of islands off the E coast of Asia: main islands, Hokkaido, Honshu, Kyushu, and Shikoku. 125,716,637; 141,529 sq. mi. (366,560 sq. km). Cap.: Tokyo. Japanese, Nihon, Nippon. 2. Sea of, the… … Universalium
Unification Church political views — Politics in Divine Principle , the central book of teachings of the Unification Church (UC) include the assertion that monarchies and dictatorships are outdated modes of political structurewhich will be superseded by increasingly God centered… … Wikipedia
Zen — For other uses, see Zen (disambiguation). Zen Chinese: Traditional: 禪 Simplified: 禅 Pinyin: Chán … Wikipedia
Teleology — • From Greek telos, end, and logos, science Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Teleology Teleology † … Catholic encyclopedia
Baal Shem Tov — Infobox Rebbe title = Israel Baal Shem Tov caption = term = full name =רבי ישראל בן אליעזר Yisroel ben Eliezer main work = Keser Shem Tov Shivchei HaBesht predecessor = successor =Dov Ber of Mezritsh (1704 1772) spouse1 =Chana issue1 =Tsvi of… … Wikipedia