reality therapy
Смотреть что такое "reality therapy" в других словарях:
Reality Therapy — is a particular approach in psychotherapy and counseling. It has primarily been developed by the psychiatrist Dr. William Glasser since the mid 1960 s. Reality Therapy is based on a concept called Choice Theory (originally called control theory) … Wikipedia
Virtual reality therapy — (VRT) is a method of psychotherapy that uses virtual reality technology to treat patients with anxiety disorders, post traumatic stress disorder, and several other medical phobias. New technology also allows for the treatment of addictions. The… … Wikipedia
Терапия реальностью (reality therapy) — Концепция Т. р., разраб. У. Глассером, была впервые опубликована в 1965 г. При неизменности осн. принципов ее оригинальные идеи постоянно развивались и совершенствовались. Последним значительным вкладом в теорию было соотнесение концепции с… … Психологическая энциклопедия
Family therapy — Intervention ICD 9 CM 94.42 MeSH … Wikipedia
Dialectical behavior therapy — (DBT) is a system of therapy originally developed by Marsha M. Linehan, a psychology researcher at the University of Washington, to treat people with borderline personality disorder (BPD) .[1][2] DBT combines standard cognitive behavioral… … Wikipedia
Cognitive behavioral therapy — Psychology … Wikipedia
Cognitive therapy — This article is about Aaron Beck s Cognitive Therapy. For the superordinate school of psychotherapy, see Cognitive behavioral therapy. Cognitive therapy Intervention MeSH D015928 Cognitive therapy (CT) is a type o … Wikipedia
Music therapy — Intervention ICD 9 CM 93.84 MeSH … Wikipedia
Dance therapy — Intervention MeSH D003614 Dance therapy, or dance movement therapy is the psychotherapeutic use of movement and dance for emotional, cognitive, social, behavioral and phys … Wikipedia
Cognitive analytic therapy — Psychology … Wikipedia
occupational therapy — Synonyms and related words: Arica movement, Erhard Seminars Training, Metrazol therapy, New Consciousness, Pentothal interview, SAT, T group, X ray therapy, actinotherapy, aerosol therapy, aerotherapeutics, aerotherapy, arsenotherapy,… … Moby Thesaurus