real-time output

real-time output
вывод (данных) в реальном (масштабе) времени

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "real-time output" в других словарях:

  • real-time output — tikralaikė išvestis statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. real time output vok. Echtzeitausgabe, f; Realzeitausgabe, f rus. вывод в реальном времени, m pranc. sortie en temps réel, f …   Automatikos terminų žodynas

  • Real Time rendering — is the one of the interactive areas of computer graphics, it means creating synthetic images fast enough on the computer so that the viewer can interact with a virtual environment. The most common place to find real time rendering is in animated… …   Wikipedia

  • Real-time computer graphics — is the subfield of computer graphics focused on producing and analyzing images in real time. The term is most often used in reference to interactive 3D computer graphics, typically using a GPU, with video games the most noticeable users. The term …   Wikipedia

  • Real-time business intelligence — is the process of delivering information about business operations without any latency. In this context, real time means delivering information in a range from milliseconds to a few seconds after the business event. While traditional business… …   Wikipedia

  • Real-time video editing — is a system of editing video where it takes no longer to render a video than the length of that video clip itself. For example, after a 30 minute length of video is edited it needs to be rendered, and should the system take more than 30 minutes… …   Wikipedia

  • Real time database — A real time database is a processing system designed to handle workloads whose state is constantly changing (Buchmann). This differs from traditional databases containing persistent data, mostly unaffected by time. For example, a stock market… …   Wikipedia

  • Real Time Information Group — RTIG or The Real Time Information Group was established in 2000 to provide a focus for those involved in the implementation and technical development of UK bus real time information systems. RTIG, a subscription group, has members from UK local… …   Wikipedia

  • real-time — (rēlґtīm) capable of updating information as quickly as it is received, so that the data can be used to create continuously updated output, such as a moving video display; see under ultrasonography …   Medical dictionary

  • real-time processing — The processing of data by a computer as soon as it is input so that the results can be output almost immediately …   Big dictionary of business and management

  • Airborne Real-time Cueing Hyperspectral Enhanced Reconnaissance — NOTOC The Airborne Real time Cueing Hyperspectral Enhanced Reconnaissance, also known by the acronym ARCHER, is an aerial imaging system that produces ground images far more detailed than plain sight or ordinary aerial photography can.cite web… …   Wikipedia

  • Secure Real-time Transport Protocol — The Secure Real time Transport Protocol (or SRTP) defines a profile of RTP (Real time Transport Protocol), intended to provide encryption, message authentication and integrity, and replay protection to the RTP data in both unicast and multicast… …   Wikipedia

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