real-time computation

real-time computation
вычисление в реальном (масштабе) времени

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "real-time computation" в других словарях:

  • Real-time computing — In computer science, real time computing (RTC) is the study of hardware and software systems that are subject to a real time constraint i.e., operational deadlines from event to system response. By contrast, a non real time system is one for… …   Wikipedia

  • Real time Java — is a catch all term for a combination of technologies that allows programmers to write programs that meet the demands of Real time systems in the Java programming language.Java s sophisticated memory management, native support for threading and… …   Wikipedia

  • Real-time locating — Articleissues confusing=July 2008 refimprove=May 2008 essay=May 2008: This page specifically concerns operational aspects of RTLS. For methodology issues see locating engine. For technology issues see wireless. According to ISO/IEC JTC1 SC31 and… …   Wikipedia

  • Real time factor — The real time factor (RTF) is a common metric of measuring the speed of an automatic speech recognition system. It can also be used in other context where an audio or video signal is processed (usually automatically) at nearly constant rate (e.g …   Wikipedia

  • real time — /ree euhl, reel/ 1. Computers. the actual time elapsed in the performance of a computation by a computer, the result of the computation being required for the continuation of a physical process. 2. the actual time during which a process takes… …   Universalium

  • Real time — A&V Computation or processing done in the present to control physical events occurring in the present. For example, when a digital effects system operator moves a joystick and the video images on the monitor appear to move simultaneously, the… …   Audio and video glossary

  • Real computation — In computability theory, the theory of real computation deals with hypothetical computing machines using infinite precision real numbers. They are given this name because they operate on the set of real numbers. Within this theory, it is possible …   Wikipedia

  • Time-evolving block decimation — The time evolving block decimation (TEBD) algorithm is a numerical scheme used to simulate one dimensional quantum many body systems, characterized by at most nearest neighbour interactions.It is dubbed Time evolving Block Decimation because it… …   Wikipedia

  • Computation Tree Logic* — Die Computation Tree Logic (kurz CTL) ist eine Temporale Logik, die speziell zur Spezifikation und Verifikation von Computersystemen dient. Meist wird sie auch mit CTL* bezeichnet. CTL bezeichnet dann eine spezielle Teilmenge der CTL* Formeln.… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Computation Tree Logic — Die Computation Tree Logic (kurz CTL) ist eine Temporale Logik, die speziell zur Spezifikation und Verifikation von Computersystemen dient. Meist wird sie auch mit CTL* bezeichnet. CTL bezeichnet dann eine spezielle Teilmenge der CTL* Formeln.… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Indeterminacy in concurrent computation — is concerned with the effects of indeterminacy in concurrent computation. Computation is an area in which indeterminacy is becoming increasingly important because of the massive increase in concurrency due to networking and the advent of… …   Wikipedia

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