- real time interferogram
- интерферограмма, наблюдаемая в реальном (масштабе) времени
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Synthetic aperture radar — (SAR) is a form of radar in which the highly directional (and thus very large) rotating antenna used by conventional radar is replaced with many low directivity small stationary antenna positions scattered over some area near or around the target … Wikipedia
Dual polarization interferometry — (DPI) is an analytical technique that can probe molecular scale layers adsorbed to the surface of a waveguide by using the evanescent wave of a laser beam confined to the waveguide. Typically used to measure the conformational change in proteins… … Wikipedia
Dual polarisation interferometry — (DPI) is an analytical technique in chemistry that can probe layers adsorbed to the surface of a waveguide by using the evanescent wave of a laser beam confined to the waveguide. [cite journal|journal=J. Phys.: Condens. Matter | volume=16 |… … Wikipedia
Optical resolution — This article is about optical resolution in optics. For the method of separating enantiomers in chemistry, see Chiral resolution. Optical resolution describes the ability of an imaging system to resolve detail in the object that is being imaged.… … Wikipedia
spectroscopy — spectroscopist /spek tros keuh pist/, n. /spek tros keuh pee, spek treuh skoh pee/, n. the science that deals with the use of the spectroscope and with spectrum analysis. [1865 70; SPECTRO + SCOPY] * * * Branch of analysis devoted to identifying… … Universalium
Ultrashort pulse — In optics, an ultrashort pulse of light is an electromagnetic pulse whose time duration is on the order of the femtosecond (10 − 15 second). Such pulses have a broadband optical spectrum, and can be created by mode locked oscillators. They are… … Wikipedia