real earnings
Смотреть что такое "real earnings" в других словарях:
real earnings — /rɪəl ɜ:nɪŋz/ plural noun income which is available for spending after tax and other contributions have been deducted, corrected for inflation. Also called real income, real wages … Dictionary of banking and finance
earnings — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ high, record, strong ▪ low, meagre/meager ▪ average ▪ annual, hourly … Collocations dictionary
real — Used in the context of general equities. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary (1) natural, (2) not dividend roll or program trading related; (3) not tax related. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary Real indications have three major repercussions: a) pricing … Financial and business terms
Earnings growth — In investments, earnings growth refers to the annual rate of growth of earnings. When the dividend payout ratio is same, the dividend growth rate is equal to the earnings growth rate.Earnings growth rate is a key value that is needed when the DCF … Wikipedia
real — In civil law, relating to a thing (whether movable or immovable), as distinguished from a person. relating to land, as distinguished from personal property This term is applied to lands, tenements, and hereditaments. As to real action real asset… … Black's law dictionary
earnings — Income. That which is earned; i.e., money earned from performance of labor, services, sale of goods, etc. Revenue earned by an individual or business. Earnings generally include but are not limited to: salaries and wages, interest and dividends,… … Black's law dictionary
earnings — Income. That which is earned; i.e., money earned from performance of labor, services, sale of goods, etc. Revenue earned by an individual or business. Earnings generally include but are not limited to: salaries and wages, interest and dividends,… … Black's law dictionary
real income — A measure of the real purchasing power of nominal income; real income is nominal income adjusted for changes in the general price level, or income corrected for inflation or deflation. See also real earnings … Black's law dictionary
real income — /rɪəl ɪnkʌm/ noun same as real earnings … Dictionary of banking and finance
real wages — /rɪəl weɪdʒɪz/ plural noun same as real earnings … Dictionary of banking and finance
Real options valuation — Real options valuation, also often termed Real options analysis,[1] (ROV or ROA) applies option valuation techniques to capital budgeting decisions.[2] A real option itself, is the right but not the obligation to undertake some business decision; … Wikipedia