real address
Смотреть что такое "real address" в других словарях:
Real Address — [engl.], echte Adresse … Universal-Lexikon
real address — faktinis adresas statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. actual address; real address; specific address; true address vok. echte Adresse, f; reale Adresse, f; tatsächliche Adresse, f; wirkliche Adresse, f rus. действительный адрес, m;… … Automatikos terminų žodynas
real address — absoliutusis adresas statusas T sritis informatika apibrėžtis Tiksli (fizinė) vieta kompiuterio ↑operatyviojoje atmintyje. atitikmenys: angl. absolute address; direct address; machine address; real address ryšiai: dar žiūrėk – operatyvioji… … Enciklopedinis kompiuterijos žodynas
Real mode — Real mode, also called real address mode, is an operating mode of 80286 and later x86 compatible CPUs. Real mode is characterized by a 20 bit segmented memory address space (meaning that a maximum of 1 MB of memory can be addressed), direct… … Wikipedia
Address space layout randomization — (ASLR) is a computer security technique which involves randomly arranging the positions of key data areas, usually including the base of the executable and position of libraries, heap, and stack, in a process s address space. Benefits Address… … Wikipedia
Address munging — NOTOC Address munging is the practice of disguising, or munging, an e mail address to prevent it being automatically collected and used as a target for people and organizations who send unsolicited bulk e mail. Address munging is intended to… … Wikipedia
Real Mode — Der Begriff Real Mode, eigentlich real address mode oder eingedeutscht Real Modus, bezeichnet eine Betriebsart der x86 kompatiblen Prozessoren, die ab dem Intel 80286 unter diesem Namen existiert. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Charakteristika 2 Bedeutung… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Real-Modus — Der Begriff Real Mode, eigentlich real address mode oder eingedeutscht Real Modus, bezeichnet eine Betriebsart der x86 kompatiblen Prozessoren, die ab dem Intel 80286 unter diesem Namen existiert. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Charakteristika 2… … Deutsch Wikipedia
REAL ID Act — of 2005 Full title To establish and rapidly implement regulations for State driver s license and identification document security standards, to prevent terrorists from abusing the asylum laws of the United States, to unify terrorism related… … Wikipedia
Real options valuation — Real options valuation, also often termed Real options analysis,[1] (ROV or ROA) applies option valuation techniques to capital budgeting decisions.[2] A real option itself, is the right but not the obligation to undertake some business decision; … Wikipedia
Real time control protocol — Real time Transport Control Protocol (RTCP) is a sister protocol of the Real time Transport Protocol (RTP). It is defined in RFC 3550 (which supersedes RFC 1889).RTCP provides out of band control information for an RTP flow. It partners RTP in… … Wikipedia