Смотреть что такое "reaffirm" в других словарях:
reaffirm — re·af·firm /ˌrē ə fərm/ vt 1: to affirm again 2: to agree to the payment of (a dischargeable debt) with a creditor prior to the discharge of debts in bankruptcy reaffirm ed her debt in order to keep her car re·af·fir·ma·tion / ˌa fər mā shən/ … Law dictionary
Reaffirm — Re af*firm (r[=e] [a^]f*f[ e]rm ), v. t. To affirm again. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
reaffirm — The debtor can chose to waive the discharge as to a debt that is reaffirmed. Generally, the parties to the reaffirmed debt have the same rights and liabilities that each had prior to the bankruptcy filing: the debtor is obligated to pay and the… … Glossary of Bankruptcy
reaffirm — (v.) 1610s, to confirm anew, from RE (Cf. re ) back, again + AFFIRM (Cf. affirm). Meaning to assert anew is recorded from 1842. Related: Reaffirmed; reaffirming, reaffirmation … Etymology dictionary
reaffirm — [spelling only] … English World dictionary
reaffirm — UK [ˌriːəˈfɜː(r)m] / US [ˌrɪəˈfɜrm] verb [transitive] Word forms reaffirm : present tense I/you/we/they reaffirm he/she/it reaffirms present participle reaffirming past tense reaffirmed past participle reaffirmed to formally and officially state… … English dictionary
reaffirm — verb a) To affirm again. The recent tragedy only served to reaffirm his faith. b) To bolster or support … Wiktionary
reaffirm — verb Reaffirm is used with these nouns as the object: ↑belief, ↑commitment, ↑importance, ↑need, ↑support … Collocations dictionary
reaffirm — re|af|firm [ˌri:əˈfə:m US ə:rm] v [T] to formally state an opinion, belief, or intention again, especially when someone has questioned you or expressed a doubt = ↑reiterate ▪ The party reaffirmed its commitment to nuclear disarmament. reaffirm… … Dictionary of contemporary English
reaffirm — [[t]ri͟ːəfɜ͟ː(r)m[/t]] reaffirms, reaffirming, reaffirmed VERB If you reaffirm something, you state it again clearly and firmly. [FORMAL] [V n] He reaffirmed his commitment to the country s economic reform programme... [V that] The government has … English dictionary
reaffirm — v.t. * * * … Universalium