reading system
Смотреть что такое "reading system" в других словарях:
reading system — skaitymo sistema statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. reading system vok. Lesesystem, n rus. система считывания, f pranc. système de lecture, m … Automatikos terminų žodynas
reading system — skaitymo sistema statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. reading system vok. Ablesesystem, n rus. система считывания, f; считывающая система, f pranc. système de la lecture, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
Wilson reading system — The Wilson Reading System is a research based reading and writing program designed for students (grades 2 12 and adults) who have difficulty with decoding (reading) and encoding (spelling). It is a complete curriculum that has 12 steps, beginning … Wikipedia
Reading Dynamics — is the speed reading system taught by Evelyn Wood. It was advocated by President John F. Kennedy and other famous figures as a means of remembering the information from thousands of words per minute. [] The… … Wikipedia
Automatic (or Remote) Meter Reading System — A system that records the consumption of electricity, gas, water, etc, and sends the data to a central data accumulation device … Energy terms
Reading education — is the process by which individuals are taught to derive meaning from text.Government funded scientific research on reading and reading instruction began in the U.S. in the 1960s. In the 1970s and 1980s, researchers began publishing findings… … Wikipedia
Reading Transport — Ltd. Slogan Quality travel for Reading Delivering Transport Excellence Parent Reading Borough Council Founded 31 October 1901 ( … Wikipedia
Reading (legislature) — Reading is a mechanism by which a bill is introduced to, and approved by, a legislature. Readings For more details on the United Kingdom system see Acts of Parliament in the United Kingdom#Stages of a bill First reading A first reading is when a… … Wikipedia
Reading School — Motto Floreat Redingensis Established 1125 (refounded in 1486) Type Academy School Rel … Wikipedia
Reading Minster — The church tower, chequered with flint and stone … Wikipedia
Reading skills acquisition — is the process of acquiring the basic skills necessary for learning to read; that is, the ability to acquire meaning from print.According to the report by the US National Reading Panel (NRP) in 2000, the skills required for proficient reading are … Wikipedia