read to oneself
Смотреть что такое "read to oneself" в других словарях:
read — [v1] look at and understand written word apprehend, bury oneself in*, comprehend, construe, decipher, dip into*, discover, flip through*, gather, glance, go over, go through, interpret, know, leaf through*, learn, make out*, perceive, peruse,… … New thesaurus
read — read1 /reed/, v., read /red/, reading /ree ding/, n. v.t. 1. to look at carefully so as to understand the meaning of (something written, printed, etc.): to read a book; to read music. 2. to utter aloud or render in speech (something written,… … Universalium
read — I. /rid / (say reed) verb (read /rɛd / (say red), reading /ˈridɪŋ / (say reeding)) –verb (t) 1. to observe, and apprehend the meaning of (something written, printed, etc.): to read a book. 2. to utter aloud; render in speech (something written,… …
read — I [[t]rid[/t]] v. read(red), read•ing [[t]ˈri dɪŋ[/t]] n. 1) to look at so as to understand the meaning of (something written, printed, etc.) 2) to utter aloud or render in speech (something written, printed, etc.): to read a story to a… … From formal English to slang
read in — transitive verb : to cause (oneself) to enter formally upon a new benefice in the Church of England after appointment by public reading of a set of accepted doctrinal statements and by assenting to the statements intransitive verb : to enter… … Useful english dictionary
read — I v 1. peruse, study, go over, review, run over or through; pore over, wade through, plunge into, consume, devour, bury oneself in; scrutinize, attend to, pay attention to; go over quickly, thumb through, flip through, scan, skim, glance or run… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
read — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) v. peruse, con; interpret, decipher, predict; pronounce; study; teach, admonish. See interpretation. II (Roget s IV) modif. Syn. examined, gone over, checked over, scanned; see investigated , understood… … English dictionary for students
bury oneself in books — read intensely, read often … English contemporary dictionary
Washington read — n. The perusal of a book in a bookstore that consists of checking the index for references to oneself and reading only those parts of the book. Example Citations: MR. THOMPSON: Have you read this book? MR. ARMITAGE: I m the only honest person in… … New words
pull oneself together — verb To become mentally focused after a period of being unfocused. Damn, damn, damnation! he murmured, together with such other words as he had learnt from older men. Then he raised his hand to his forehead and said, Oh, damn it all which meant… … Wiktionary
rǽdan — sv/t7 3rd pres rǽdeð past reord/on, réd/on ptp gerǽden 1. to counsel, give advice, persuade; 2. to ask advice, consult a person; 2a. to consult, deliberate, take counsel upon a matter (acc) with (wiþ) a person, plot, design; 2b. to debate, speak… … Old to modern English dictionary