read signal
Смотреть что такое "read signal" в других словарях:
Signal/One — was a manufacturer of high performance SSB and CW HF radio communications transceivers initially based in St. Petersburg, Florida, USA. History The company started as a division of NCR in Florida. A key executive was Dick Ehrhorn, ham callsigns… … Wikipedia
Signal (bridge) — In the card game of contract bridge, partners defending against a contract may play particular cards in a manner which gives a signal or coded meaning to guide their subsequent card play; also referred to as carding. Contents 1 Standard signals 1 … Wikipedia
signal — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 sign/action/sound that sends a message ADJECTIVE ▪ clear, unmistakable ▪ agreed, prearranged ▪ conflicting, confusing, contradictory … Collocations dictionary
signal — sig|nal1 [ sıgnəl ] noun count *** ▸ 1 movement/sound ▸ 2 sign about future ▸ 3 electronic information ▸ 4 for controlling traffic ▸ 5 information sent 1. ) a movement or sound made by someone that has a special meaning to another person: signal… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
signal — I UK [ˈsɪɡn(ə)l] / US [ˈsɪɡnəl] noun [countable] Word forms signal : singular signal plural signals *** 1) a) a movement or sound made by someone that has a special meaning to another person give (someone) a signal: We waited for them to give us… … English dictionary
Signal Corps in the American Civil War — U.S. Army Signal Corps station on Elk Mountain, Maryland, overlooking the Antietam battlefield. The Signal Corps in the American Civil War comprised two organizations: the U.S. Army Signal Corps, which began with the appointment of Major Albert J … Wikipedia
Signal (electrical engineering) — In the fields of communications, signal processing, and in electrical engineering more generally, a signal is any time varying or spatial varying quantity. In the physical world, any quantity measurable through time or over space can be taken as… … Wikipedia
Signal (computing) — A signal is a limited form of inter process communication used in Unix, Unix like, and other POSIX compliant operating systems. Essentially it is an asynchronous notification sent to a process in order to notify it of an event that occurred. When … Wikipedia
read — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 activity of reading ADJECTIVE ▪ good ▪ quiet ▪ quick ▪ The program is simple to use after a quick read of the manual. VERB + READ … Collocations dictionary
Read Only Memory — The notion of read only data can also refer to file system permissions. Read only memory (usually known by its acronym, ROM) is a class of storage media used in computers and other electronic devices. Because data stored in ROM cannot be modified … Wikipedia
Read-Diode — Die IMPATT Diode ist ein Hochfrequenz Halbleiter Bauelement der Mikroelektronik, das als Diode zu den elektronischen Bauelementen gehört. Der Name leitet sich von der englischen Bezeichnung Impact Ionization Avalanche Transit Time Diode ab, im… … Deutsch Wikipedia