reaction kinetics

reaction kinetics
реакционная кинетика;
кинетика реакции

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "reaction kinetics" в других словарях:

  • reaction kinetics — reakcijos kinetika statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. reaction kinetics vok. Reaktionskinetik, f rus. кинетика реакции, f pranc. cinétique de la réaction, f …   Fizikos terminų žodynas

  • reaction kinetics — reakcijos kinetika statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Reakcijos greičio priklausomybė nuo reaguojančiųjų medžiagų koncentracijos, temperatūros, slėgio ir kitų veiksnių. atitikmenys: angl. reaction kinetics rus. кинетика реакции …   Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas

  • Reaction kinetics — Kinetics (with an s at the end) refers to the rate of change in a biochemical (or other) reaction, the study of reaction rates. Kinetics is a noun. It is distinct from kinetic (an adjective) meaning with movement. The opposite of kinetic is… …   Medical dictionary

  • reaction kinetics — noun plural but singular or plural in construction : a branch of chemistry that deals with the rate of chemical reactions, with factors influencing such rates, and with applications of rate studies to elucidate the mechanism of reactions compare… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Reaction rate — Iron rusting a chemical reaction with a slow reaction rate. Wood …   Wikipedia

  • Kinetics — Kinetics, derived from the Greek word κίνησις (kinesis) meaning movement or the act of moving, may refer to: NOTOC cience* Chemical kinetics, the study of chemical reaction rates. * In physics, kinetics is one of the branches of dynamics,… …   Wikipedia

  • Kinetics — (with an s at the end) refers to the rate of change in a biochemical (or other) reaction, the study of reaction rates. Kinetics is a noun. It is distinct from kinetic (an adjective) meaning with movement. The opposite of kinetic is akinetic… …   Medical dictionary

  • Reaction–diffusion system — Reaction–diffusion systems are mathematical models which explain how the concentration of one or more substances distributed in space changes under the influence of two processes: local chemical reactions in which the substances are transformed… …   Wikipedia

  • Chemical kinetics — Reaction rate tends to increase with concentration a phenomenon explained by collision theory. Chemical kinetics, also known as reaction kinetics, is the study of rates of chemical processes. Chemical kinetics includes investigations of how… …   Wikipedia

  • reaction mechanism — Introduction       in chemical reactions (chemical reaction), the detailed processes by which chemical substances are transformed into other substances. The reactions themselves may involve the interactions of atoms (atom), molecules (molecule),… …   Universalium

  • Reaction rate constant — In chemical kinetics a reaction rate constant k or λ quantifies the speed of a chemical reaction.[1] For a chemical reaction where substance A and B are reacting to produce C, the reaction rate has the form: Reaction: A + B → C k(T) is the… …   Wikipedia

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