

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "re-configure" в других словарях:

  • Configure script (computing) — Configure scripts are an automated method of modifying source code before compilation in order to produce code tailored to the system on which a binary executable is to be compiled and run. Configure scripts are typically run immediately before… …   Wikipedia

  • configure — con‧fig‧ure [kənˈfɪgə ǁ ˈfɪgjər] verb [transitive] COMPUTING to arrange something, especially computer equipment or software, so that it can work in a particular way: • Your machine has not been configured to run this application. * * * configure …   Financial and business terms

  • configuré — configuré, ée (kon fi gu ré, rée) part. passé. Qui a reçu une certaine forme. •   J ai idée de la couleur verte, et d un corps tellement configuré, VOLT. Métaph. 3 …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • Configure — Con*fig ure, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Configured}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Configuring}.] [L. configurare: cf. F. configurer. See {Configurate}.] To arrange or dispose in a certain form, figure, or shape. Bentley. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Configure-to-order — (CTO) represents the ability for a user to define the component make up (configuration) of a product at the very moment of ordering that product, and a vendor to subsequently build that configuration dynamically upon receipt of the order …   Wikipedia

  • configure — late 14c., from L. configurare to fashion after a pattern, from con together (see COM (Cf. com )) + figurare to shape (see FIGURE (Cf. figure)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • configure — ► VERB 1) arrange in a particular configuration. 2) arrange or order (a computer system) so as to fit it for a designated task. DERIVATIVES configurable adjective. ORIGIN Latin configurare shape after a pattern ; related to FIGURE(Cf. ↑figure) …   English terms dictionary

  • configure — [kən fig′yər] vt. configured, configuring 1. to construct or arrange in a certain way 2. Comput. to arrange the CONFIGURATION (sense 4) of configurable adj …   English World dictionary

  • Configure script — Flow diagram including configure, autoconf and automake, three tools in the GNU build system Developing a program to be run on a wide number of different computers is a complex task. A Configure script matches the libraries on the user s computer …   Wikipedia

  • Configure — Programmablaufplan von autoconf und automake, zwei Tools im GNU Build System Das GNU Build System, auch bekannt als Autotools, ist eine Sammlung von Tools für die Computerprogrammierung, die vom GNU Projekt entwickelt wurden. Diese Tools sind für …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • configure — [[t]kənfɪ̱gə(r), AM gjər[/t]] configures, configuring, configured VERB If you configure a piece of computer equipment, you set it up so that it is ready for use. [COMPUTING] [V n] How easy was it to configure the software? …   English dictionary

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