- razorshell
- зоол.
1) морской черенок (Solen)
2) = razor-fish (зоология) морской черенок (Solen) (зоология) двустворчатый моллюск (Ensis directus)
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
razorshell — /ˈreɪzəʃɛl/ (say rayzuhshel) noun 1. an elongated marine bivalve mollusc of the family Solenidae, as Ensis ensis, common on sandy shores in Europe. 2. a similar mollusc of the family Pinnidae, as Pinna bicolor, common in southern and western… …
Oshawott, Dewott, and Samurott — Oshawott (bottom left), Dewott (bottom right), and Samurott (top middle) National Pokédex Emboar Oshawott (#63) Dewott (#064) Samurott (#65) Patrat Series Pokémon series … Wikipedia
razorfish — /ˈreɪzəfɪʃ/ (say rayzuhfish) noun → razorshell …