rational decision

rational decision
мат. рациональное решение

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "rational decision" в других словарях:

  • Rational Decision-Making Model — The Rational Decision Making Model is a process for making logically sound decisions. [Robbins, Stephen P., and Timothy A. Judge. Organization Behavior. 12th ed. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2007. 156 158.] The model… …   Wikipedia

  • rational decision-making — racionalus sprendimų priėmimas statusas T sritis Politika apibrėžtis Loginis sprendimų priėmimo būdas, pagrįstas sistemų analizės požiūriu ir mokslinio tyrimo principais. Taikant šį būdą, kiekybiniais arba kokybiniais metodais išanalizuojamos… …   Politikos mokslų enciklopedinis žodynas

  • Decision theory — in economics, psychology, philosophy, mathematics, and statistics is concerned with identifying the values, uncertainties and other issues relevant in a given decision, its rationality, and the resulting optimal decision. It is closely related to …   Wikipedia

  • Rational ignorance — is a term most often found in economics, particularly public choice theory, but also used in other disciplines which study rationality and choice, including philosophy (epistemology) and game theory.Ignorance about an issue is said to be rational …   Wikipedia

  • Rational choice theory — This article is about a theory of economics. For Rational Choice Theory as applied to criminology, see Rational choice theory (criminology). Economics …   Wikipedia

  • Decision making models — All people need to make decisions from time to time. Given limited time in formulating policies and addressing public problems, public administrators must enjoy a certain degree of discretion in planning, revising and implementing public policies …   Wikipedia

  • Rational Expectations Theory — An economic idea that the people in the economy make choices based on their rational outlook, available information and past experiences. The theory suggests that the current expectations in the economy are equivalent to what the future state of… …   Investment dictionary

  • rational — 01. I think we need to talk about this calmly, and try to make a [rational] decision together. 02. It s difficult to think [rationally] when everyone is so emotional about the subject. 03. In our modern age, [rationality] has become too important …   Grammatical examples in English

  • rational — ra|tion|al [ˈræʃənəl] adj [Date: 1300 1400; : Latin; Origin: rationalis, from ratio; RATIO] 1.) rational thoughts, decisions etc are based on reasons rather than emotions ≠ ↑irrational ▪ Parents need to be fully informed so they can make a… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • rational — [[t]ræ̱ʃənəl[/t]] 1) ADJ GRADED: usu ADJ n Rational decisions and thoughts are based on reason rather than on emotion. He s asking you to look at both sides of the case and come to a rational decision... Mary was able to short circuit her stress… …   English dictionary

  • rational — ra•tion•al [[t]ˈræʃ ə nl, ˈræʃ nl[/t]] adj. 1) based on or agreeable to reason: a rational decision[/ex] 2) exercising reason: a rational negotiator[/ex] 3) sane; lucid: The patient seems rational[/ex] 4) math. Math. a) capable of being expressed …   From formal English to slang

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