Смотреть что такое "ratfink" в других словарях:
ratfink — noun a) An informer or spy. The first factor is labeled the Ratfink factor. This factor consists only of items that measure whether a boy would give information to various adult figures if one of his friends were in trouble. b) A dislikable or… … Wiktionary
ratfink — /rat fingk /, n. Slang. fink (defs. 3, 4). [1960 65; RAT + FINK] * * * ratfink /ratˈfingk/ (derog sl, esp N American) noun A mean, deceitful, despicable person (also adjective) ORIGIN: ↑rat1 and ↑fink … Useful english dictionary
ratfink — /rat fingk /, n. Slang. fink (defs. 3, 4). [1960 65; RAT + FINK] * * * … Universalium
ratfink — rat|fink [ ræt,fıŋk ] noun count AMERICAN OLD FASHIONED someone who cannot be trusted, especially someone who is not loyal to their friends … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
ratfink — n American a treacherous, despicable person. The word is a combination of rat (traitor) and fink (informer) and was first used to refer to union blacklegs or scabs. It enjoyed a vogue in the 1960s in its more general ised sense and is still used … Contemporary slang
ratfink — Noun. An objectionable person. Also rat fink. Orig. U.S … English slang and colloquialisms
ratfink — rat•fink [[t]ˈrætˌfɪŋk[/t]] n. Slang. sts fink 3), fink 4) • Etymology: 1960–65 … From formal English to slang
ratfink — /ˈrætfɪŋk/ (say ratfingk) noun a despicable person …
Rich Text Format — Infobox file format name = Rich Text Format icon = extension = .rtf mime = text/rtf type code = RTF uniform type = public.rtf magic = { tf owner = Microsoft genre = document file format container for = contained by = extended from = extended to … Wikipedia
Angel Gang — Superteambox imagesize= caption=The Angel Gang on the cover of 2000 AD prog 160, art by Mike McMahon; 2000 AD and the Angel Gang copyright Rebellion A/S 2005 team name=Angel Gang publisher=Rebellion A/S debut= 2000 AD prog 160 (1980)… … Wikipedia
Rat Fink — is one of the several hot rod characters created by one of the originators of Kustom Kulture, Ed Big Daddy Roth. Roth s hatred for Mickey Mouse led him to draw the original Rat Fink. After he placed Rat Fink on an airbrushed monster shirt, the… … Wikipedia