rate gyro

rate gyro
скоростной гироскоп

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "rate gyro" в других словарях:

  • rate gyro — A gyro having one plane of freedom at right angles to the plane of rotation and constructed so that a calibrated spring opposes the precessive forces to indicate the rate of rotation about the plane at right angles to both the plane of rotation… …   Aviation dictionary

  • rate gyro — spartusis giroskopas statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. rate gyro vok. Meßkreisel, m; Wendekreisel, m rus. скоростной гироскоп, m pranc. gyromètre, m …   Automatikos terminų žodynas

  • Rate integrating gyroscope — A Rate integrating gyroscope is a rate gyro with a built in integrator. It is usually a component of an Inertial Measurement Unit or a stabilization system.Principle of operationIn a rate indicating gyroscope, the gyroscope is turned at a steady… …   Wikipedia

  • GYRO — is a computational plasma physics code developed and maintained at General Atomics. It solves the 5 D coupled gyrokinetic Maxwell equations using a combination of finite difference, finite element and spectral methods. Given plasma equilibrium… …   Wikipedia

  • Gyro monorail — The gyro monorail, gyroscopic monorail, gyro stabilized monorail, or gyrocar all denote a single rail land vehicle, road or rail, which uses the gyroscopic action of a spinning wheel, which is forced to precess, to overcome the inherent inverted… …   Wikipedia

  • ring laser gyro — A highly accurate way to measure change in an angular position or at an angular rate without the use of any mechanically spinning wheel. The ringed laser gyro principle is based on the small frequency difference produced between two laser beams… …   Aviation dictionary

  • laser gyro — A highly accurate way to measure change in an angular position or angular rate without the use of any mechanically spinning wheel. The ringed laser gyro–principle is based on the small frequency difference produced between two laser beams… …   Aviation dictionary

  • earth’s rate correction — A command rate applied to a gyro to compensate for the apparent precession of the gyro caused by the rotation of the earth …   Aviation dictionary

  • hermetically sealed integrating gyro — A gyroscope mounted in a sealed case with a viscous damping medium. The output is, therefore, an indication of the total amount of angular displacement of the vehicle in which the gyro is installed, rather than the rate of angular displacement …   Aviation dictionary

  • earth-rate unit — A unit of angular drift, as of a gyro, equal to the rate of angular movement of the earth with respect to the stars (i.e., 15° per hour) …   Aviation dictionary

  • RGP — Rate Gyro Package Contributor: CASI …   NASA Acronyms

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