ratchet up
Смотреть что такое "ratchet up" в других словарях:
Ratchet — Ratch et ( [e^]t), n. [Properly a diminutive from the same word as rack: cf. F. rochet. See 2d {Ratch}, {Rack} the instrument.] 1. A pawl, click, or detent, for holding or propelling a ratchet wheel, or ratch, etc. [1913 Webster] 2. A mechanism… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Ratchet — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Ratchet puede referirse a: El personaje Ratchet, del universo de los Transformers, capaz de transformarse en una ambulancia. El personaje Ratchet, de la serie de videojuegos Ratchet Clank. Obtenido de Ratchet… … Wikipedia Español
ratchet — A mechanism by which the successful performance of management reflected in growth in the value of a company is rewarded by progressively increasing their share of the equity. Easyform Glossary of Law Terms. UK law terms. ratchet … Law dictionary
ratchet — ► NOUN ▪ a device consisting of a bar or wheel with a set of angled teeth in which a pawl, cog, or tooth engages, allowing motion in one direction only. ► VERB (ratcheted, ratcheting) 1) operate by means of a ratchet. 2) (ratchet up/down) cause… … English terms dictionary
ratchet — [rach′it] n. [earlier rochet < Fr, lance head, distaff < It rocchetto, bobbin, spindle, dim. of rocca, distaff < Goth * rukka, akin to OHG roccho, spindle, distaff < IE base * ruk(k) , spun yarn] 1. a toothed wheel (in full ratchet… … English World dictionary
Ratchet — A ratchet may refer to: * Ratchet (device), a mechanical device for controlling rotational motion * Socket wrench, a tool that makes use of the above mechanical device * A part of some forceps, to fix the blades of the forceps, such as in… … Wikipedia
ratchet — ▪ I. ratchet ratch‧et 1 [ˈrætʆt] noun [countable] FINANCE an arrangement in which the value of someone s share in a company depends on how well the company performs. This is often done where company managers own a share in the company: • A… … Financial and business terms
ratchet — [[t]ræ̱tʃɪt[/t]] ratchets, ratcheting, ratcheted 1) N COUNT In a tool or machine, a ratchet is a wheel or bar with sloping teeth, which can move only in one direction, because a piece of metal stops the teeth from moving backwards. The chair has… … English dictionary
ratchet — /rach it/, n. 1. a toothed bar with which a pawl engages. 2. (not in technical use) a pawl or the like used with a ratchet or ratchet wheel. 3. a mechanism consisting of such a bar or wheel with the pawl. 4. See ratchet wheel. 5. a steady… … Universalium
ratchet — {{11}}ratchet (n.) 1650s, from Fr. rochet bobbin, spindle, from It. rocchetto spool, ratchet, dim. of rocca distaff, possibly from a Germanic source (Cf. O.H.G. rocko distaff, O.N. rokkr), from P.Gmc. *rukka , from PIE root *rug to spin. Cf.… … Etymology dictionary
ratchet — ratch|et1 [ˈrætʃıt] n [Date: 1600 1700; : French; Origin: rochet, from Old French rocquet point of a spear ] a machine part consisting of a wheel or bar with teeth on it, which allows movement in only one direction ratchet 2 ratchet2 v ratchet up … Dictionary of contemporary English