Rataplan — Ra ta plan (r[.a] t[.a] pl[aum]N ), n. [F.] The iterative sound of beating a drum, or of a galloping horse. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
rataplan! — ou rantanplan! Onomatopée exprimant le bruit du tambour … Encyclopédie Universelle
rataplán — onomat. U. para imitar el sonido del tambor … Diccionario de la lengua española
rataplan — [rat΄ə plan′] n. [Fr: echoic of drumming] the beating of a drum, or a sound like this vi., vt. rataplanned, rataplanning to make such a sound (on) … English World dictionary
rataplan — rantanplan [ rɑ̃tɑ̃plɑ̃ ] interj. • 1834; onomat. ♦ Interjection exprimant le roulement du tambour. On dit aussi RATAPLAN [ rataplɑ̃ ]. ● rataplan ou rantanplan interjection (onomatopée) Indique le son du tambour. ⇒RATAPLAN, onomat. [Pour… … Encyclopédie Universelle
rataplán — ► sustantivo masculino Voz usada para reproducir el sonido del tambor. * * * rataplán Palabra onomatopéyica con que se describe o imita el sonido del *tambor. ≃ Ran rataplán. * * * rataplán. onomat. U. para imitar el sonido del tambor. * * *… … Enciclopedia Universal
rataplan — /rætəˈplæn/ (say ratuh plan) noun 1. a sound of or as of the beating of a drum; a rub a dub. –verb (rataplanned, rataplanning) –verb (i) 2. to play a rataplan. –verb (t) 3. to play by a rataplan. {French} …
rataplan — noun Etymology: French, of imitative origin Date: circa 1848 the iterative sound of beating < a rolling rataplan of drums Time > … New Collegiate Dictionary
rataplan — n. & v. n. a drumming sound. v. (rataplanned, rataplanning) 1 tr. play (a tune) on or as on a drum. 2 intr. make a rataplan. Etymology: F: imit … Useful english dictionary
RATAPLAN — interj. Onomatopée dont on se sert pour exprimer le Bruit du tambour … Dictionnaire de l'Academie Francaise, 8eme edition (1935)
rataplan — /rat euh plan /, n., v., rataplanned, rataplanning. n. 1. a sound of or as of the beating of a drum. v.i. 2. to produce such a sound. [1840 50; < F; imit.] * * * … Universalium