rat race — {n.}, {slang} A very confusing, crowded, or disorderly rush; a confusing scramble, struggle, or way of living that does not seem to have a purpose. * /The dance last night was a rat race. It was too noisy and crowded./ * /School can be a rat race … Dictionary of American idioms
rat race — {n.}, {slang} A very confusing, crowded, or disorderly rush; a confusing scramble, struggle, or way of living that does not seem to have a purpose. * /The dance last night was a rat race. It was too noisy and crowded./ * /School can be a rat race … Dictionary of American idioms
rat race — ˈrat race noun the rat race the unpleasant situation in business or in life in which people are always struggling to compete against each other for success: • A vacation is a chance to escape the corporate rat race for two weeks … Financial and business terms
rat race — n the rat race the unpleasant situation experienced by people working in big cities, when they continuously compete for success and have a lot of ↑stress in their lives get out of/quit the rat race ▪ the story of a couple who quit the rat race … Dictionary of contemporary English
Rat Race — ou Course folle au Canada est un film américain réalisé par Jerry Zucker et sorti en août 2001. Sommaire 1 Synopsis 2 Fiche technique 3 Distribution 4 Lien externe … Wikipédia en Français
rat race — also rat race, competitive struggle, 1934 … Etymology dictionary
rat race — The rat race is the ruthless, competitive struggle for success in work, etc … The small dictionary of idiomes
rat race — rat ,race noun singular an activity, job, or situation in which there is a lot of competition and people are too busy to relax or enjoy themselves … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
rat race — rat′ race n. inf an exhausting and usu. competitive routine activity … From formal English to slang
rat race — ► NOUN informal ▪ a way of life in which people are caught up in a fiercely competitive struggle for wealth or power … English terms dictionary
rat race — ☆ rat race n. Slang a mad scramble or intense competitive struggle, as in the business world … English World dictionary