rasping sound
Смотреть что такое "rasping sound" в других словарях:
rasping — 1. adjective raspy He spoke in a rasping voice due to throat cancer. 2. noun A rasping sound … Wiktionary
sound — I adj. healthy sound in, of (sound in mind and body) II n. 1) to emit, make, produce, utter; transmit a sound 2) to articulate, enunciate, pronounce a sound 3) to turn down; turn up the sound (on a radio, TV set) 4) to carry sound (air carries… … Combinatory dictionary
sound — 1. The vibrations produced by a sounding body, transmitted by the air or other medium, and perceived by the internal ear. 2. An elongated cylindrical, usually curved, instrument of metal, used for exploring the bladder or other cavities of the… … Medical dictionary
rasping — rasp·ing || ræspɪŋ / rÉ‘Ë adj. (about a sound) grating, harsh, irritating ræsp /rÉ‘Ësp n. file, flat tool with an abrasive surface; act of scraping, act of scouring, abrasion v. scrape, abrade, scour … English contemporary dictionary
rasping — I noun uttering in an irritated tone • Syn: ↑rasp • Derivationally related forms: ↑rasp, ↑raspy (for: ↑rasp), ↑rasp ( … Useful english dictionary
clear — clearable, adj. clearness, n. /klear/, adj., clearer, clearest, adv., clearer, clearest, v., n. adj. 1. free from darkness, obscurity, or cloudiness; light: a clear day. 2. transparent; pellucid: clear water … Universalium
grate — grate1 [grāt] vt. grated, grating [ME graten < OFr grater (Fr gratter) < Frank * kratton, akin to OHG chrazzōn (Ger kratzen), to scratch < IE base * gred > Alb gërrusë, scraper] 1. to grind into shreds or particles by rubbing or… … English World dictionary
rasp — [[t]rɑ͟ːsp, ræ̱sp[/t]] rasps, rasping, rasped 1) VERB If someone rasps, their voice or breathing is harsh and unpleasant to listen to. [V with quote] Where ve you put it? he rasped... He fell back into the water, his breath rasping in his heaving … English dictionary
croak — krəʊk n. harsh rasping sound (i.e. sound made by a frog or raven); deep rasping voice v. make a harsh rasping sound (like the call of a frog or raven); die (Slang) … English contemporary dictionary
croaked — krəʊk n. harsh rasping sound (i.e. sound made by a frog or raven); deep rasping voice v. make a harsh rasping sound (like the call of a frog or raven); die (Slang) … English contemporary dictionary
croaking — krəʊk n. harsh rasping sound (i.e. sound made by a frog or raven); deep rasping voice v. make a harsh rasping sound (like the call of a frog or raven); die (Slang) … English contemporary dictionary