rapid movement
Смотреть что такое "rapid movement" в других словарях:
rapid movement — greitas judesys statusas T sritis Kūno kultūra ir sportas apibrėžtis Judesys, trunkantis 0,1–0,3 sek. Darydamas tokius judesius, sportininkas beveik nespėja pasinaudoti receptorių priimta ir sąmonėje fiksuota informacija, t. y. koreguoti judesio … Sporto terminų žodynas
Rapid plant movement — encompasses movement in plant structures occurring over a very short period of time, usually under one second. For example, the Venus Flytrap closes its trap in about 100 milliseconds. [Forterre, Y., J.M. Skotheim, J. Dumais L. Mahadevan 2005.… … Wikipedia
rapid — [[t]ræ̱pɪd[/t]] ♦♦ 1) ADJ GRADED: usu ADJ n A rapid change is one that happens very quickly. ...the country s rapid economic growth in the 1980 s... This signals a rapid change of mind by the government. ...the rapid decline in the birth rate in… … English dictionary
rapid*/ — [ˈræpɪd] adj 1) happening, moving, or acting quickly We are seeing a rapid growth in the use of the Internet.[/ex] the rapid movement of troops into the area[/ex] rapidity [rəˈpɪdəti] noun [U] rapidly adv 2) a rapidly expanding population[/ex]… … Dictionary for writing and speaking English
rapid eye movement — noun Rapid movement of the eyes, characterising REM sleep … Wiktionary
rapid */*/*/ — UK [ˈræpɪd] / US adjective happening, moving, or acting quickly We are seeing a rapid growth in the use of the Internet. the rapid movement of troops into the area • Collocations: Nouns frequently used with rapid ▪ change, decline, deterioration … English dictionary
rapid eye movement — noun the frequent and rapid movement of the eyes while the eyelids are closed in sleep, occurring during a dreaming period. Also, REM …
rapid — rap|id [ ræpıd ] adjective *** happening, moving, or acting quickly: We are seeing a rapid growth in the use of the Internet. the rapid movement of troops into the area ╾ rap|id|i|ty [ rə pıdəti ] noun uncount ╾ rap|id|ly adverb: Business… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
rapid gastric emptying — excessively rapid movement of partially digested food from the stomach into the jejunum; it occurs most often in patients who have had partial gastrectomy with gastrojejunostomy (see dumping syndrome, under syndrome). Called also gastric dumping … Medical dictionary
Rapid Eye Movement (álbum) — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Rapid Eye Movement Álbum de Riverside Publicación 9 de octubre de 2007 (Todo el mundo) 28 de septiembre de 2007 (Polonia) … Wikipedia Español
Rapid eye movement sleep — (REM) sleep is the portion of sleep when there are rapid eye movements (REMs). Dreams occur during REM sleep. We typically have 3 to 5 periods of REM sleep per night. They occur at intervals of 1 2 hours and are quite variable in length. An… … Medical dictionary