Смотреть что такое "rapic" в других словарях:
rapic — … Useful english dictionary
DDB2 — Damage specific DNA binding protein 2, 48kDa Rendering based on PDB 3EI4 … Wikipedia
DDB1 — Damage specific DNA binding protein 1, 127kDa PDB rendering based on 2b5l … Wikipedia
Rachel Levy — ( he. רחל לוי) was killed at age 17 on March 29, 2002 when Ayat al Akhras, a teenage Palestinian female suicide bomber, wearing a belt of explosives around her waist, blew herself up at the entrance to a supermarket in Jerusalem s Kiryat Hayovel… … Wikipedia
FK Cement Beočin — FK Cement is a Serbian football club based in Beočin, Serbia. HistoryFK Cement was founded in 1913 by the employees of a Beočin cement company and Martin Bajer, a native of Beočin who received his formal education in Budapest where he first got… … Wikipedia
POLI — Polymerase (DNA directed) iota, also known as POLI, is a human gene. PBB Summary section title = summary text = Further readingPBB Further reading citations = *cite journal | author=McDonald JP, Tissier A, Frank EG, et al. |title=DNA polymerase… … Wikipedia
XPC (gene) — Xeroderma pigmentosum, complementation group C, also known as XPC, is a human gene involved in the recognition of bulky DNA adducts in Nucleotide Excision Repair.cite web | title = Entrez Gene: XPC xeroderma pigmentosum, complementation group C|… … Wikipedia
Edmund Husserl — (1900) Edmund Husserl (* 8. April 1859 in Proßnitz, Mähren; † 27. April 1938 in Freiburg im Breisgau) war ein Philosoph und Mathematiker. Der Geburt nach Österreicher, erwarb Husserl 1896 die preußische Staatsangehörigkeit. Husserl g … Deutsch Wikipedia
Husserl — Edmund Husserl (* 8. April 1859 in Proßnitz, Mähren; † 27. April 1938 in Freiburg im Breisgau) war ein Philosoph und Mathematiker. Der Geburt nach Österreicher, erwarb Husserl 1896 die preußische Staatsangehörigkeit. Husserl gilt als Begründer… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Mixtape Messiah 7 — Mixtape by Chamillionaire Released August 4, 2009 ( … Wikipedia
ГИПОФИЗАРНАЯ КАХЕКСИЯ — (син.: болезнь Симмондса, cachexia hypophysipriva, dystrophia maranto genitalis), своеобразная картина заболевания, имеющая прогрессирующий характер и ведущая к резкому общему исхуданию, атрофии полового аппа рата, преждевременной старости и ряду … Большая медицинская энциклопедия