rap knuckles
Смотреть что такое "rap knuckles" в других словарях:
rap knuckles — rap (someone s) knuckles a rap across/on/over the knuckles a punishment which is not very severe but which warns you not to behave that way again. She rapped my knuckles and sent me on my way … New idioms dictionary
Knuckles the Echidna — Данная статья посвящена персонажу видеоигры. Ехидна Наклс Knuckles the Echidna Наклс в игре Sonic the Hedgehog. Игровая серия Sonic the Hedgehog Первое появление Sonic the Hedgeh … Википедия
rap someone on/over/across the knuckles — rap (someone) on/over/across the knuckles see ↑rap, 2 • • • Main Entry: ↑knuckle rap someone on/over/across the knuckles (or rap someone s knuckles) : to criticize or punish someone in a gentle way for doing something wrong The boss rapped me… … Useful english dictionary
rap someone's knuckles — rap (someone s) knuckles a rap across/on/over the knuckles a punishment which is not very severe but which warns you not to behave that way again. She rapped my knuckles and sent me on my way … New idioms dictionary
rap somebody on the knuckles — ˌrap sb on/over the ˈknuckles | rap sb s ˈknuckles idiom to criticize sb for sth • The company was rapped over the knuckles for broadcasting the interview. Main entry: ↑rapidiom … Useful english dictionary
rap somebody over the knuckles — ˌrap sb on/over the ˈknuckles | rap sb s ˈknuckles idiom to criticize sb for sth • The company was rapped over the knuckles for broadcasting the interview. Main entry: ↑rapidiom … Useful english dictionary
rap somebody's knuckles — ˌrap sb on/over the ˈknuckles | rap sb s ˈknuckles idiom to criticize sb for sth • The company was rapped over the knuckles for broadcasting the interview. Main entry: ↑rapidiom … Useful english dictionary
rap someone on the knuckles — rap someone on/over/the knuckles informal phrase to criticize someone, usually in a formal way Thesaurus: to criticize, accuse or blamesynonym words used to describe criticismhyponym … Useful english dictionary
rap someone over the knuckles — rap someone on/over/the knuckles informal phrase to criticize someone, usually in a formal way Thesaurus: to criticize, accuse or blamesynonym words used to describe criticismhyponym … Useful english dictionary
rap on/over/across the knuckles — rap (someone) on/over/across the knuckles see ↑rap, 2 • • • Main Entry: ↑knuckle … Useful english dictionary
rap — rap1 [rap] vt. rapped, rapping [ME rappen, prob. of echoic orig.] 1. to strike quickly and sharply; tap ☆ 2. Slang to criticize sharply vi. 1. to knock quickly and sharply ☆ 2. to perform rap or a rap ☆ … English World dictionary