ranking member
Смотреть что такое "ranking member" в других словарях:
Ranking member — In United States politics, the ranking member or ranking minority member is a member of a congressional committee from the minority party, frequently the member with the highest seniority. For example, if the Democrats are in control of a house… … Wikipedia
ranking member — noun 1. : the congressional member next to the chairman in order of seniority 2. : the senior in rank or service who becomes chairman of a committee or court martial … Useful english dictionary
ranking — rank‧ing [ˈræŋkɪŋ] noun [countable] 1. the position of something or someone in a list that has been arranged in order of quality or importance: • The US recaptured from Germany the number one ranking among exporters. 2. a list of things or people … Financial and business terms
ranking — [[t]ræ̱ŋkɪŋ[/t]] rankings 1) N PLURAL: the N In many sports, the list of the best players made by an official organization is called the rankings. ...the 25 leading teams in the world rankings... Goellner has shot up the rankings. 2) N COUNT: usu … English dictionary
ranking — 1 noun (C) a position on a scale that shows how good someone or something is when compared with others: In the last two years, she has moved steadily up the world rankings. 2 adjective (only before noun) a ranking person has a high position in an … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
Member of the European Parliament — (MEP) European Union The members of the European Parliament are elected every five years under the proportional representation system. The election is held by direct universal suffrage. Voting systems vary, depending on the country. MEPs exercise … Law dictionary
Ranking — A ranking is a relationship between a set of items such that, for any two items, the first is either ranked higher than , ranked lower than or ranked equal to the second.In mathematics, this is known as a ml|Strict weak ordering|Total… … Wikipedia
member — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ elite, high ranking, influential, key, leading, powerful, prominent ▪ ranking (AmE), senior … Collocations dictionary
member — n. 1) an active; associate; card carrying; charter (AE), founder (BE); honorary; life; ranking; sustaining member 2) a corresponding member (of the Academy of Sciences) 3) (misc.) to admit new members into an organization * * * [ membə] associate … Combinatory dictionary
ranking — adjective Date: 1847 having a high position: as a. of the highest rank < the ranking officer > b. being next to the chairman in seniority < ranking committee member > … New Collegiate Dictionary
ranking — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun Ranking is used after these nouns: ↑world {{Roman}}II.{{/Roman}} adj. Ranking is used with these nouns: ↑member, ↑officer, ↑tournament … Collocations dictionary