rank test
Смотреть что такое "rank test" в других словарях:
Rank test — In statistics, a rank test is any test involving ranks. Examples include: *Wilcoxon signed rank test *Kruskal Wallis one way analysis of variance **Mann Whitney U (special case) *Page s trend test *Friedman test *Rank products … Wikipedia
Wilcoxon signed-rank test — The Wilcoxon signed rank test is a non parametric alternative to the paired Student s t test for the case of two related samples or repeated measurements on a single sample. The test is named for Frank Wilcoxon (1892 ndash;1965) who, in a single… … Wikipedia
Wilcoxon rank sum test signed rank test — Wil·cox·on rank sum test, signed rank test (wil kokґsən) [Frank Wilcoxon, American chemist and statistician, 1892–1962] see rank sum test and signed rank test, under test … Medical dictionary
signed rank test — a nonparametric statistical test for ordinal data, comparing two populations of data by examining the differences between matched pairs in the two populations. It is based on the signed rank statistic, calculated by arranging all samples in order … Medical dictionary
Wilcoxon signed-rank Test — Der Wilcoxon Vorzeichen Rang Test ist ein statistischer Test für die Häufigkeitsverteilung gepaarter Stichproben. Im Anwendungsbereich ergänzt er den Vorzeichentest, da er nicht nur die Richtung der Differenzen, sondern auch die Stärke der… … Deutsch Wikipedia
log-rank test — a statistical test used to test the null hypothesis that two groups have the same distribution of survival by analyzing and comparing the number of observed and expected deaths for each group each time a death occurs in either group … Medical dictionary
Wilcoxon signed rank test — signed rank t … Medical dictionary
Rank Hovis McDougall — This article is about Rank Hovis McDougall. For the academic journal Revista Hispánica Moderna, see Revista Hispánica Moderna. Rank Hovis McDougall Former type Public Industry Food Fate Acquired … Wikipedia
Rank product — The rank product is a biologically motivated test for the detection of differentially expressed genes in replicated microarray experiments.It is a simple non parametric statistical method based on ranks of fold changes. In addition to its use in… … Wikipedia
rank sum test — a nonparametric statistical test for ordinal data, testing the null hypothesis that two samples are drawn from the same population versus the alternative hypothesis that the two samples are drawn from two populations having probability… … Medical dictionary
rank — 1. adjective /ræŋk/ a) Having a very strong and bad odor. Your gym clothes are rank, bro’ – when d’you last wash ’em? b) Gross, disgusting. I am a rank amateur as a wordsmith. Syn: stinky … Wiktionary