rank difference
Смотреть что такое "rank difference" в других словарях:
rank-difference correlation — noun the most commonly used method of computing a correlation coefficient between the ranks of scores on two variables • Syn: ↑rank order correlation coefficient, ↑rank order correlation, ↑rank difference correlation coefficient • Topics:… … Useful english dictionary
rank-difference correlation coefficient — noun the most commonly used method of computing a correlation coefficient between the ranks of scores on two variables • Syn: ↑rank order correlation coefficient, ↑rank order correlation, ↑rank difference correlation • Topics: ↑statistics •… … Useful english dictionary
rank-difference coefficient of correlation — the correlation coefficient applied to the rank numbers of two sets of variables … Useful english dictionary
rank-order correlation — noun the most commonly used method of computing a correlation coefficient between the ranks of scores on two variables • Syn: ↑rank order correlation coefficient, ↑rank difference correlation coefficient, ↑rank difference correlation • Topics:… … Useful english dictionary
rank-order correlation coefficient — noun the most commonly used method of computing a correlation coefficient between the ranks of scores on two variables • Syn: ↑rank order correlation, ↑rank difference correlation coefficient, ↑rank difference correlation • Topics: ↑statistics •… … Useful english dictionary
Rank (linear algebra) — The column rank of a matrix A is the maximum number of linearly independent column vectors of A. The row rank of a matrix A is the maximum number of linearly independent row vectors of A. Equivalently, the column rank of A is the dimension of the … Wikipedia
Différence des sexes — La différence des sexes, au delà de ses aspects anatomiques est un sujet d’étude psychologique visant à expliquer l’asymétrie des rôles attribués aux hommes et aux femmes, des positions adoptées par les unes et les autres, et de l’image que… … Wikipédia en Français
Otto Rank — Born April 22, 1884 (1884 04 22) … Wikipedia
Colombian National Police executive rank insignia — This chart represents the Colombian National Police executive rank insignia. Insignia Title Commissioner of the Colombian … Wikipedia
Academic rank — Academic organizations typically have a rather rigid set of ranks. Those listed below refer specifically to universities, although colleges and other institutions may follow a similar schema. Argentina (National Universities)Academic… … Wikipedia
Torsion-free abelian groups of rank 1 — Infinitely generated abelian groups have very complex structure and are far less well understood than finitely generated abelian groups. Even torsion free abelian groups are vastly more varied in their characteristics than vector spaces. Torsion… … Wikipedia