range-azimuth display
Смотреть что такое "range-azimuth display" в других словарях:
G-display — A rectangular display that places the target at its center as the radar antenna aims at it. The display shows the range, azimuth, and elevation, unlike the earlier versions of radarscopes. It is suitable for tracking only one target at a time.… … Aviation dictionary
Radar display — Modern radar systems typically use some sort of raster scan display to produce a map like image. In the past, notably during the early days of radar development, such displays were difficult to produce for a number of reasons. Several different… … Wikipedia
VHF omnidirectional range — This article is about the radio navigation aid. For other uses, see Vor. D VOR (Doppler VOR) ground station, co located with DME … Wikipedia
Helmet mounted display — For non aviation applications, see Head mounted display Helmet mounted display The Integrated Helmet and Display Sight System (IHADSS) A helmet mounted display ( … Wikipedia
B-display — A radar CRT (cathode ray tube) display in which the bearing is displayed on the horizontal axis while the vertical axis represents the range. This type of display is used in AI (airborne interception) radars. Range is measured vertically up the… … Aviation dictionary
AN/FPS-16 — manned space program and the U.S. Air Force. The accuracy of Radar Set AN/FPS 16 is such that the position data obtained from point source targets has azimuth and elevation angular errors of less than 0.1 milliradian (approximately 0.006 degree)… … Wikipedia
APG-68 — The AN/APG 68 radar is a solid state long range (up to 300 km) Pulse doppler radar designed by Westinghouse (now Northrop Grumman) to replace AN/APG 66 radar in the F 16 Fighting Falcon. The AN/APG 68 radar system consists of the following line… … Wikipedia
ALR-67 Radar Warning Receiver — The AN/ALR 67 Radar Warning Receiver is designed to warn an aircraft s crew of potentially hostile radar activity. It is an airborne threat warning and countermeasures control system built to be successor to the United States Navy s AN/ALR 45.… … Wikipedia
Iowa class battleship — The Iowa class battleships were a class of six fast battleships ordered by the United States Navy in 1939 and 1940 to escort the Fast Carrier Task Forces that would operate in the Pacific Theater of World War II. Four were completed in the early… … Wikipedia
List of oil field acronyms — Contents 1 # 2 A 3 B 4 C … Wikipedia
radar — /ray dahr/, n. 1. Electronics. a device for determining the presence and location of an object by measuring the time for the echo of a radio wave to return from it and the direction from which it returns. 2. a means or sense of awareness or… … Universalium