range of sensitivity

range of sensitivity
интервал чувствительности

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "range of sensitivity" в других словарях:

  • sensitivity analysis — sensitivity test, sensitivity analysis A single variant test to see how dependent a forecast, projection or stress test outcome is upon a single, selected variable or assumption. For example, a bank AL manager might perform a sensitivity analysis …   Financial and business terms

  • sensitivity test — sensitivity test, sensitivity analysis A single variant test to see how dependent a forecast, projection or stress test outcome is upon a single, selected variable or assumption. For example, a bank AL manager might perform a sensitivity analysis …   Financial and business terms

  • Sensitivity Time Control — (STC) is used to attenuate the very strong signals returned from nearby ground clutter targets in the first few range gates of a Radar receiver. Without this signal attenuation, the receiver would routinely saturate due to the strong signals …   Wikipedia

  • Range fractionation — is a term used in biology. Sense organs are usually composed of many sensory receptors measuring the same property. These sensory receptors show a limited degree of precision due to an upper limit in firing rate. If the receptors are endowed with …   Wikipedia

  • sensitivity training — a form of group therapy designed to develop understanding of oneself and others through free, unstructured discussion. [1950 55] * * *       psychological technique in which intensive group discussion and interaction are used to increase… …   Universalium

  • sensitivity analysis — A form of analysis used in approaches to business problems, in which possible changes to the variables are subjected to the decision making technique to examine the range of possible outcomes and to determine the sensitivity of the projected… …   Accounting dictionary

  • Climate sensitivity — is a measure of how responsive the temperature of the climate system is to a change in the radiative forcing. It is usually expressed as the temperature change associated with a doubling of the concentration of carbon dioxide in Earth s… …   Wikipedia

  • Dynamic range — For other uses, see Dynamic range (disambiguation). Dynamic range, abbreviated DR or DNR,[1] is the ratio between the largest and smallest possible values of a changeable quantity, such as in sound and light. It is measured as a ratio, or as a… …   Wikipedia

  • Hearing range — for more detail on human hearing see Audiogram,Equal loudness contours and Hearing impairment. Hearing range usually describes the range of frequencies that can be heard by an animal or human, though it can also refer to the range of levels. In… …   Wikipedia

  • Full-range — A Full range loudspeaker drive unit is defined as a driver which reproduces as much of the audible frequency range as possible, with high fidelity, within the boundaries imposed by the physical limitations of the specific design. This is so… …   Wikipedia

  • Gluten sensitivity — (GS) encompasses a collection of medical conditions in which gluten has an adverse effect. For individuals with gluten sensitive enteropathy, removal of gluten generally results in the restoration of villus architecturecite journal | author =… …   Wikipedia

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