range gate

range gate

1. селектор по дальности
2. селекторный импульс дальности

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

Игры ⚽ Поможем решить контрольную работу

Смотреть что такое "range gate" в других словарях:

  • Range Gate Pull-Off — Bei einem Range Gate Pull Off (RGPO) handelt es sich um eine elektronische Gegenmaßnahme zum Stören von Radargeräten. Beschreibung Die RPGO Technik kommt dann zum Einsatz, wenn ein Radarsystem bereits ein Ziel erfasst hat. Um Störungen zu… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Gate (disambiguation) — A gate is an opening in a wall or fence fitted with a moveable barrier allowing it to be closed.Gate may also refer to: *Gate (airport), a specified location for boarding or leaving an aircraft in an airport *Gate (engineering) a movable… …   Wikipedia

  • Gate Gourmet — is an airline catering firm with headquarters in Zurich, Switzerland, and Reston in unincorporated Fairfax County, Virginia, United States.Gate Gourmet was founded in 1992, and is the world s largest independent airline catering, hospitality and… …   Wikipedia

  • Range Creek — Range Creek, rising in the Book Cliffs in Emery County, Utah, is a high tributary of the Colorado River, effluent to the Price River near Price, Utah, an affluent of the Green River, a major affluent tributary of the Colorado. The creek flows… …   Wikipedia

  • Range Rover — Infobox Automobile name = Land Rover Range Rover manufacturer = Land Rover parent company = British Leyland 1970 1986 Rover Group 1986 1988 British Aerospace 1988 1994 BMW 1994 2000 Ford 2000 2008 Tata Motors 2008 production = 1970 present… …   Wikipedia

  • gate — gate1 /gayt/, n., v., gated, gating. n. 1. a movable barrier, usually on hinges, closing an opening in a fence, wall, or other enclosure. 2. an opening permitting passage through an enclosure. 3. a tower, architectural setting, etc., for… …   Universalium

  • Gate operator — A gate operator is a mechanical device used to open and close a gate, such as one at the end of a driveway. Mechanism types Electric Drawing power from the mains to open a driveway gate. Generally there are four types of electromechanical gate… …   Wikipedia

  • Gate City High School — Infobox School name = Gate City High School native name = latin name = imagesize = caption = location = streetaddress = 178 Harry Fry Drive region = city = Gate City state = VA province = county = postcode = postalcode = zipcode = 24251 country …   Wikipedia

  • Gate-Control-Theory — Nach der Kontrollschrankentheorie oder englisch Gate Control Theory werden äußere und innere Schmerzreize von Schmerzrezeptoren (Nozizeptoren) in Haut, Muskeln, Gelenken und inneren Organen aufgenommen. Diese werden im Hinterhorn des Rückenmarks… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Gate-control-theorie — Nach der Kontrollschrankentheorie oder englisch Gate Control Theory werden äußere und innere Schmerzreize von Schmerzrezeptoren (Nozizeptoren) in Haut, Muskeln, Gelenken und inneren Organen aufgenommen. Diese werden im Hinterhorn des Rückenmarks… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Gate Theatre — ▪ theatre, Dublin, Ireland       Dublin dramatic company, founded in 1928 by Hilton Edwards and Micheál MacLiammóir (MacLiammóir, Micheál), whose repertoire included works from many periods and countries, unlike that of the established Abbey… …   Universalium

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